Again the GOP Deligates didnt nominate the right man

and have ANY of them effectively protected America from what they were intended to regulate ?

sure as heck dropped the ball on the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac led fiasco that is what "got us in this mess to begin with"....

Have no fear, Bernake is going to spend $40 billion a month until he has bought up all those bad mortgages.
It's a re-distribution of wealth.... sort of like playing monopoly - government style

and if the act renders the dollars increasing less in value how is that a good thing ?

of course the re-distribution in this case is to, of course, friends of BO and Wall Street. BO doesn't give a rip about the "middle class", they are just his army of gullible ants.
Aren't the also increasing inflation in an indirect way by weakening the dollar?

thats the natural effect of it yes. of course they try to exclude food and fuel from inflation indices for this reason (they're hardest hit by weakening dollar) but everybody in the real world feels the effect in the most emphatic way.

pretending to care about the middle class while whacking them in the wallet and fattening up fat cat friends is really just rich isnt it ?