After releasing, Fukushima wastewater may return to Japan like the Prodigal Son


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. .....Tsunamis are not a daily occurrence in Japan, but they do happen with some regularity. On average, Japan experiences one or two tsunamis per year, with some years seeing more and others seeing none at all. However, the frequency of tsunamis can vary depending on the location and type of earthquake that triggers them.....

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2. Georg Steinhauser, a radioecologist at the Vienna University of Technology, said that "it is much safer to let the Fukushima wastewater disappear in the ocean". Given the high frequency of tsunamis in Japan, however, before more than 1.3m tonnes of the Fukushima wastewater could disappear in the ocean or reach the eastern shore of the Pacific, it could return to Japan like the biblical "Prodigal Son" in the form of a tsunami. The chances of it happening are high as the process of releasing the wastewater into the ocean takes decades to complete.

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