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If you will forgive me, this question is irrelevent to the topic at hand. Regardless of when it begins, it can no longer be terminated.

Thank you, I too think conception certificates are worth consideration.

Is this long wait due to a shortage of children or a shortage of healthy, normal children?

On what information do you base that conclusion?

That's certainly a safe bet.

What resources are those?

Then lets do it.

This is a good start. Are any of them state run?

This is the kind of constructive input I was hoping to see, now if we can move it from theory to fact, there will be more to work with.

On the flip side of that argument, if a woman, or a couple, has to cut their education short because they started a family too early, society could miss out on that discoverer as a result.

Truth, thank you for your participation and I hope you continue to contribute.
