The Obama Admin should initiate an On-Going, Open-Ended Investigation!

The Obama Admin could create a database that'd be accessable to input from any-and-ALL investigative-journalists!! Each journalist would have his own folder, where his data would be stored, and....eventually....maybe the begining of 2012.....a special-prosecutor's team would evaluate all data!!!
THEN, after evaluating all data, INDICTMENTS could be compiled! After the 2012 Election (or, before; dependent-upon public-interest
), all Indictments will be made public! (....with a Trial-date, to-be-announced.)
THIS way, the next-few-years will be devoted to The People's Business(cleaning-up after BUSHCO) uninterrupted, the Bush Admin folks would have plenty-of-time to evaluate their position, and all investigative-journalists would have plenty-of-time to find the most-damning evidence, available, to finally prosecute Torturegate!!!
Also, the reporter who compiles the most, and most-accurate info will be given an award of $3 MILLION (...and, an automatic book-contract.)!!!!! Not bad for part-time work!!