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That's a great post and really points out the obvious. Everyone in high profile political life are acquainted with people who are not of the highest virtue. Obama & McCain are both United States Senators not terrorists or terrorist sympathizers and it's a shame that the Conservatives had no where else to go so they ran right back to their "Rove" play book and the smear with lies game. 

And the other point you made is valid also. Bush and everyone else around him knows John McCain has lost a few steps. Age is affecting him. That's just the plain simple truth. And he's where he is not at the end of a term but at what would be the begining... WITH ONLY CARIBOU BARBIE AS BACK UP!:eek: 

Americans can see this and they already don't trust the Republicans because of the general state they put our nation in when they got their way. 

This country will be so excited to have real change and a fresh breath of life with an Obama Presidency!
