The absolute cornerstone of John McCain's campaign, and the one hope he has to lure voters during the general election is his self-claimed strong position on terrorism. He frequently attempts to bind that with, what he hopes voters will consider, is his good judgement. Both took a serious beating recently.
John McCain was forced to removed a man from his finance committee that was labeled as a supporter of Hezbollah, and "a key agent of the terrorist group in the Detroit area". Those allegations did not come from the Democrats. They came from Debbie Schlussel, a Republican and conservative writer. It's hardly an asset to have a terrorist helping you raise funds. It certainly doesn't give the appearance of good judgement to employ a member of Hezbollah, an organization the US State Department labels as a "terrorist organization", as a key fund raiser.
So you want to be president of the United States and you want people to think you're strong on fighting terrorism and exercise good judgement, then it's discovered you've actually hired a terrorist to go out help raise money for you. That ought to drag in the votes. It would also be very interesting to know where this alleged terrorist went to get the money he brought into John McCain's campaign. Did any of McCain's new campaign funds actually come from other terrorists?
It's unknown if John McCain used that money or disposed of it.
George W. Bush in 2000 insinuated that John McCain was probably not mentally fit for public office since he'd been a P.O.W. during the Vietnam war, and might have been brainwashed. Now this story surfaces and it sounds like a Hollywood plot for a re-make of "The Manchurian Candidate". However, this is not a fictional account. The individual in question did work for John McCain and his campaign parted ways with him only after his previous remarks, already in the public domain, got reported. That's hardly the position a presidential candidate would like to find himself.
Although he didn't comment on it, perhaps this was one of the long list of other reasons Colin Powell cited when he publically endorsed Barack Obama for President and Commander in Chief.
Here's the link to additional details posted on the ABC News website....