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Actually it does not mean to give them the minimum. It means to give them what is urgent no matter how extensive or expensive it is. The things that can wait, like getting hearing aids - that the person can't get in the ER.


I believe that those who pay through insurance also pick up some of the cost of the uninsured. Since the cost of treating the uninsured is less than 5% of total medical costs one can't blame triple price tags solely on them. I am quite happy with treatments costing roughly 5% more if it means that 100% of americans don't lose freedoms through a government run health care program. If I were concerned with the 5% increase to costs I would have ways to address that. I could tell hospitals that I want them to reduce these costs and that I would choose to do business with hospitals that do reduce these costs. I do none of that because I don't care. Meanwhile when the gov does something I have much less power since my vote is worth about 1/300 million. I do care about the ACA that limits my freedom and that of many others in ways that are clearly in opposition to the intent, purpose, and written word of the constitution.
