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But it didn't work Shaman.   When WPA was enacted, the economy took a nose dive.   So you can list all the blaw blaw that it did, but it still didn't save or help, or boost or improve the economy in anyway.

My grandmother lived in Portsmouth Ohio, where WPA built a massive flood wall around the city near the river.   So far they have only used the wall, aka raising the flood gates along the wall, twice in the entire history of the wall.  Both times, the water never actually reached the wall.   In other words, millions of dollars and time and effort, as well as raised taxes, were used to build an absolutely useless wall.

Now they are saying the wall is in such bad shape, it will likely not even work anymore, assuming the water ever gets high enough to use it.

The point is, tons of money was spent, and man hours of labor used, to create many things of no real value.   Maybe you remember the stories of men being ordered to move bricks across a road.  After completing the job, they went home, and a second shift came, and was ordered to move all the bricks back across the same road.

Wealth is only created when money and effort is spent on something that creates value.   Building a wall that is never used, or moving bricks around that nothing is built with, doesn't create value.  It just wastes money and effort.

It's no wonder the economy went into a nose dive while our government was taxing the producers in our country to fund a park that wasn't needed, or some other lame government project.
