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All men seek equality. Since the beginning of civilization men strove to merge dichotomies and abolish social stratification. Yet, till this day, equality has not been obtained. The fact of the matter is, until government ceases to oppress, equality will not be reached. Government is often the cause to many problems, whether it is isolation, imprisonment, or even depression, government has had a hand in causing the problem. What the New World Order is truly about is the end of government. It won't be until government reaches its peak that this end is reached, however, once it does, as long as the government doesn't abuse their power or as long as pride doesn't withhold the completion of the global brotherhood then this brotherhood will be acquired. There must be a time, in which the government should be talking with its people, that government may be alleviated, and people are left to take responsibility in their own hands, without calling upon another force, foreign to the matter, to take care of their problems. True freedom can not exist with government, for people will continue to rely on the government, using them, taking sides with them, to defeat their enemies through litigation. It is true, evil exists in this world, however, once good begins to shoulder each other, the evil that exists in this world will be exiled, and those who are evil will have no choice but to join the brotherhood. We must talk about this, as it is the goal of the New World Order. One world government is suppose to precede global brotherhood, for once we are subjugated by a government, people will, in a sense, be trained to come together, rising above their government. At this point, prior to rebellion, government can alleviate its governing tendencies, allowing the brotherhood to prevail. Once people support one another, the wrong doer will be forced to join to brotherhood, as without it, he will be isolated and exiled from society. We must stop crime not by imprisonment, but by exile. If we ignore those who break the trust, they will by nature, be forced to make it up to the person whom the sinner victimized. Within this ideal world, work will not be the same. People will be paid to unite, leaving those who break the circle of trust, without a pay check. This way we will have freedom and equality in their purest forms. In addition, with such a strong support group, without the stress of the slavery that exists in the capitalist world, people will feel better about themselves, and thus, disease will be cured. However, we must keep it mind, to reach this ideal state, trust must first be established. Once trust is established, it is then that we can relieve the futuristic security that leaves people with no privacy. If the security continues to escalate, and the movement of the conservative dynasty is left unharmed, then natural disaster will most likely ensue, for all empires come to an end and if man cannot stop a plundering force, then God will, as seen in the Assyrian Empire. Peace and security can not co-exist, for security causes fear, and peace entails that fear is no more. Justice is the end of government.