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  • Hi pocket! Remember me? A few years older, but not any wiser. . .at least I know that is what my old "ennemies" will say if I choose to come back and post!
    .so, I'll hang out and look at things a little, but I don't think I want to "feel the hate" from the "old timers" in here!
    if I stick around you can always sick me on them lol, you know I never mind fighting dirty if needed. :)
    Didn't work too well last time! But I remember you fondly. Thanks.
    If in the future you need plausible deniability you can say you accidentally hit the "friend" request while shaking with anger. I'll understand. Also, if you google me, know that everything is straightened out now, no restraining order but they kept my rain coat.
    I like the way you think, and I also think that you catch a lot of crap that you shouldn't because some people have chosen to type-cast you instead of responding to the points you make. I disagree with some of the things you've said since I've joined (which wasn't long ago), but it's too bad that some choose to engage in logical fallacies instead of addressing your points. I like your posts.
    You do realize your blatant sarcasm just infuriates stupid people? I guess some are just smart enough to know they are being talked down to. Still, I like you style.
    Yes I DO research the candidates and NO Palin was not/is not and will never be a political force in this Country. I agree Obama does not have the "political" expereince, but I NEVER said I voted for him. You just ASSume I did.
    Sincerely Chainsaw
    Did you get your brain from the Wizard of Oz.? Come on, even cracker jack prizes are not
    that good anymore. Do you research the candidates.? Palin has much more experience
    than Obama. Hell he has been in the senate for less than 190 days and only voted on issues as present. The only thing I can fathom is you must be black.
    Sincerely Rushhannity.
    McCain/Palin for President, just thought someone with more knowledge on the issues would like to help you out. Sincerely Rushhannity.
    I could not not right now, maybe when I am at home computer. I hate even type on this thing...im stuck at work a hour and half from home , but its my last day for a few days till next thur when I have to come back for 3 days..grr

    I realize that we (humans) have had some effect on our environment, and anyone who says otherwise is just fooling themselves, HOWEVER, having said that, IMNSHO, there is not one shred of evidence to support AGW.

    If you'd like, why not start a thread on it, and we'll discuss it in the open Forum. While I'm sure that there will be some (mainly the ones on my Ignore list) who will jump in and resort to the usual personal attacks, I'm sure that you and I can discuss it like adults. That way maybe we'll each learn something that we're not aware of that might enrich our knowledge on the subject.
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