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  • Thanks for the Like on my post #238 in the "Question to the atheists" thread. After my slightly belligerent reply to Dawkins was deleted last night, I was concerned that speaking the truth to bigots and historically-uninformed leftists was becoming a crime here too.
    I don’t know why it is but you will be slammed if you defend yourself from their attacks, but he can say anything he likes so can the rude lady and at best they get a slap on the hand and come back worse than ever. I have seen really great conservatives get banned for basically nothing and many more just walk away due to the non-balance treatment. Beat them at their own game.
    Let them be as rude and sick as they want and just smack them with facts. It won’t change them but it does speak volumes to the posters who read. I don’t guess it will ever be fixed around here but it’s still a good place and there are some decent people.
    Wow! He considered her the troll? Freaking WOW!

    She can get attacked but cant respond with attacks to being attacked.... Well watch your back because you could be next... or me :)
    This is from PLC1
    It would not be appropriate for me to respond to that question in open forum.

    Bododie just couldn't get it through her head that personal attacks were not appropriate. Moreover, most of her posts were trolls that did not address the issues being discussed.

    I'm on several forums, some of which allow that sort of thing. I'd not want to see this one become one of them. Moreover, it is my hope that this one can finally come back from the brink of extinction brought on by having been attacked by viruses. A member who drives other members away by trolls and attacks is not a good thing, IMO.

    Besides, there were many, many reported posts, all made by her, and reported by several different members.
    Hey Pandora..long time! I haven't been able to find you guys for months. Every time I'd try, either there were virus threats or it wasn't listed on my search engines...what happened?
    Long time, hope all is well. There are a lot of venomous idiots in the forum these days.
    The scary thing is , I think that most of them truly believe what they are saying.
    Good luck out there.
    Hi! I`m still around, but too busy to get to the web site as much as I`d like.
    Keep fighting the good fight.
    Hi THERE,
    HAPPY NEW 2009. Can you believe, it's already the 4th day of the year..?

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