Hello Pepper,
I am very new here, but I've heard a lot about you from some other members who. . .didn't seem to appreciate your ideology! Apparently, they are comparing me to you, and that arose my curiosity, especially since I noticed that we also share a good friend! I do hope you come back and post again. "Some" members here believe they have scared you away! I am certain that it is absolutely not the case. If anything, they may have bored you to death! Hope to meet you in the forum some day! Openmind
I am very new here, but I've heard a lot about you from some other members who. . .didn't seem to appreciate your ideology! Apparently, they are comparing me to you, and that arose my curiosity, especially since I noticed that we also share a good friend! I do hope you come back and post again. "Some" members here believe they have scared you away! I am certain that it is absolutely not the case. If anything, they may have bored you to death! Hope to meet you in the forum some day! Openmind