Frump abolishes climate


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
As part of frump's war on real science any mention of climate is to be scrubbed from anything receiving federal funding.

Not climate change. Climate. There will be no weather tomorrow and all days thereafter.

Why stop there..lets get rid of atomic cannot actually see atoms...

Same with can there be a common ancestor with monkeys if god created the universe on October 23, 4004 BC..

The fossil record is just a scam for hole diggers to get your hard earned tax dollars.

Vaccines don't work..there were no fatalities from covid. Its all woke lies to promote a transgender agenda.

and lastly..the earth is not round and humans never went to the moon...

Seriously, the absolute best thing about the usa is the wonderful science culture which frump is attempting to destroy.

even a totally gaga biden would be a million times better than the failure squatting in the white house

Comrade Stalin
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aww look folks, the people that can't even answer "WHAT IS A WOMAN" or think that 6 foot 300 lb trans athletes should compete with 90lb female athletes want to lecture us about SCIENCE
Awww, thats so precious
there is a database on all the activities undertaken by the well-bribed frump on his activities on behalf
of fossil fuel destroyers of the earth

The Silencing Science Tracker is a joint initiative of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund. It tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election. Read more about the tracker and related resources. Please contact Olivia Guarna ( or Dana Willbanks ( to recommend relevant media reports we may have missed or provide responses or corrections to media reports we have included.

comrade stalin