Will Hillary take on obozo in 2012?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
It having been about 70 years since roosevelt, almost anyone alive had no experience with leftwing government. They've just been given a basic course. Based on the rolling disaster of the obozo term, will a regular moderate-liberal like Hillary run for the nomination? Or would she have been fatally tainted by her association with obozo?
It having been about 70 years since roosevelt, almost anyone alive had no experience with leftwing government. They've just been given a basic course. Based on the rolling disaster of the obozo term, will a regular moderate-liberal like Hillary run for the nomination? Or would she have been fatally tainted by her association with obozo?

Just taking a wild swing here...

Where do you place Mr. Hillary Clinton on the conservative/liberal continuum?
It having been about 70 years since roosevelt, almost anyone alive had no experience with leftwing government. They've just been given a basic course. Based on the rolling disaster of the obozo term, will a regular moderate-liberal like Hillary run for the nomination? Or would she have been fatally tainted by her association with obozo?

Hillary will not run...she doesn't have the money, and challenging Obama would split the D party, ruining her legacy.
Hillary will not run...she doesn't have the money, and challenging Obama would split the D party, ruining her legacy.

I have wondered where she will be come March of 2013? Will she still be in Obama's cabinet?

Or will she become the president of Wellesley College or some other top of the heap women's college? That would be an especially graceful finish to an illustrious career for both her and for Bill.
I have wondered where she will be come March of 2013? Will she still be in Obama's cabinet?

Or will she become the president of Wellesley College or some other top of the heap women's college? That would be an especially graceful finish to an illustrious career for both her and for Bill.

I like that idea. Hillary certainly deserve to semi-retire in a position that is worthy of her. I see her as a true lady.
I have wondered where she will be come March of 2013? Will she still be in Obama's cabinet?

Or will she become the president of Wellesley College or some other top of the heap women's college? That would be an especially graceful finish to an illustrious career for both her and for Bill.

I don't think President Obama will have any cabinet in March 2013. ;)

In seriousness though, I am not sure if she would want to stick around for a full eight years should he get reelected. It would depends on her other options I suppose.
I stated a long time ago that I believe that Hillary Clinton will challenge Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination in 2012. Hillary is a vengeful *****, and the Clintons are still very powerful. The Obamanistas played a lot of dirty tricks on Hillary back in 2008, and there is hell to pay for that.

This is a true case of "the lesser of two evils". I would much rather see Hillary as President than Obama, assuming that the Republicans screw things up AGAIN, and nominate some old fart RINO (like Bob Dole or John McCain) or some dumb ass RINO (like G.W.Bush).
I stated a long time ago that I believe that Hillary Clinton will challenge Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination in 2012. Hillary is a vengeful *****, and the Clintons are still very powerful. The Obamanistas played a lot of dirty tricks on Hillary back in 2008, and there is hell to pay for that.

This is a true case of "the lesser of two evils". I would much rather see Hillary as President than Obama, assuming that the Republicans screw things up AGAIN, and nominate some old fart RINO (like Bob Dole or John McCain) or some dumb ass RINO (like G.W.Bush).


OK. I can buy into most of that. How old is Hillary now? How many more mountains does she want to climb? My guess is that Hillary is looking around her, realizing she has had one Hell of a career, and it is time to bask in earned glories, enjoy grandchildren, and be the highly respected titular head of some great liberal organization, like being the president of some highly prestigious women's university.

My bet is that she will spend a well-deserved final career as a partner to Bill Clinton. They will make great co-presidents of the World.