Will Europe become dependent on Russian natural gas ?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes they were ignorant enough to allow the pipe line in from Russia and will become dependent on Russia for natural gas . This is exactly what Putin wanted so that he can lead them around like a cow with a ring in their nose.
So much of Europe is already socialist and headed for communist control already. This is just the first step.
The day will come when Russia will use the fuels it provides to Europe as a political tool to control the Europeans who just seem to stupid to see whats comming or care.
This time we Americans may not be able to bail them out or protect them.
Some parts of Europe already are dependent of Russian gas. Thats not a thing of the future, especially in Germany and Austria. Ask why so many retired politicians suddenly are on the payroll of big Russian companies. BTW, many of them are conservative ones.

But your comment about Europe being "socialist" only shows, how little you know about Europe.
Some parts of Europe already are dependent of Russian gas. Thats not a thing of the future, especially in Germany and Austria. Ask why so many retired politicians suddenly are on the payroll of big Russian companies. BTW, many of them are conservative ones.

But your comment about Europe being "socialist" only shows, how little you know about Europe.
I admit I am not a expert on euro nations by any means but I worked at a private school and met a lot of euro and middle eastern kids and have to disagree with you on the socialist part. Of course being from America my version of a socialist and yours are probably different.
You have far more restrictions in euro nations and often drugs and prostitution are tolerated
But I have no doubt that Russia will pull most euro nations that depend on their natural gas into doing their bidding or ignoring what they do in fear of reprisals by increasing the prices of fuels to cutting them off completely in winter .
Something we in America don't have to worry about .
But I have no doubt that Russia will pull most euro nations that depend on their natural gas into doing their bidding or ignoring what they do in fear of reprisals by increasing the prices of fuels to cutting them off completely in winter .
Something we in America don't have to worry about .
frankly I hate to see it happen