We got some brave he man felons

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

There's more I just posted a few examples real tough guys we as a nation need prosecutors who will stick it to these morons , we need special prisons for men like these and child molesters and seriel killers where thy get the min to needed to live and are in thier cells 24?7 except for 1 shower a week and exams

There's more I just posted a few examples real tough guys we as a nation need prosecutors who will stick it to these morons , we need special prisons for men like these and child molesters and seriel killers where thy get the min to needed to live and are in thier cells 24?7 except for 1 shower a week and exams
I agree and there was none if this under Trump. Bloody Biden. The whole fabric of society has gone down the drain.
I agree and there was none if this under Trump. Bloody Biden. The whole fabric of society has gone down the drain.
Boris I think its because of covid and is a racist issue.
Most people would agree that covid came from china . And I hate to say it I think they were experimenting with it as a weapon. This has generated a lot of hate for asians especially chinese americans.asians have been assaulted by whites latino and blacks . more black and whites.people lost loved ones or were sick lost jobs homes and want to blame some one . America Asians are the target but old and elderly being attacked is the action of cowards.
Glad to see you agree with me on this . you get points for it
Boris I think its because of covid and is a racist issue.
Most people would agree that covid came from china . And I hate to say it I think they were experimenting with it as a weapon. This has generated a lot of hate for asians especially chinese americans.asians have been assaulted by whites latino and blacks . more black and whites.people lost loved ones or were sick lost jobs homes and want to blame some one . America Asians are the target but old and elderly being attacked is the action of cowards.
Glad to see you agree with me on this . you get points for it
You idiot. It was sarcasm and you sucked it like a sponge. Sucker.
See if you can get the drift of this.
No im just as smart and ethically and morally far above you as you seem to support violence against asians
Turn it up. You have no morals other than those of an alley cat.
If you thought the govt charges the banks interest, you're NOT smart.
Supporting the election of a wannabe fascist who wanted to destroy the country, is not ethical.

Get off your high horse cowboy. You're not in the hunt.
Turn it up. You have no morals other than those of an alley cat.
If you thought the govt charges the banks interest, you're NOT smart.
Supporting the election of a wannabe fascist who wanted to destroy the country, is not ethical.

Get off your high horse cowboy. You're not in the hunt.
While we're on the subject of morality, you'll love this bit. Show it to your little godbothering intellectual pygmy mate mark. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8xYwGTe/
Turn it up. You have no morals other than those of an alley cat.
If you thought the govt charges the banks interest, you're NOT smart.
Supporting the election of a wannabe fascist who wanted to destroy the country, is not ethical.

Get off your high horse cowboy. You're not in the hunt.
So you support attacking the elderly Chinese.