UK debates 42 day dentention

From an American, who is traditionally supposed to value freedom I'm verysurprised at you for saying that. 42 detention without trial? So, there goes the idea of a fair trial out the window.

The government should not have the right to hold someone for 42 days, without a trial OR CHARGE. It is totally unacceptable and it would be totally against your constitution, so why do you think its a good thing in the UK?
From an American, who is traditionally supposed to value freedom I'm verysurprised at you for saying that. 42 detention without trial? So, there goes the idea of a fair trial out the window.

The government should not have the right to hold someone for 42 days, without a trial OR CHARGE. It is totally unacceptable and it would be totally against your constitution, so why do you think its a good thing in the UK?

I was injecting a little humor with the "throw away the key". The Great Writ is one of the essential elements of any democracy. But reason dictates that in times of great national danger, it's fatuous to say it couldn't be temporarily suspended. Our own USSC Justice Robert Jackson famously said "The Constitution is not a suicide pact", and in fact our own constitution DOES provide for the suspension of habeas corpus:

Article 1, section 9:

The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

The bill before parliament contains, as I understand it, lots of safeguards against its improper use, and considering all the IFs you guys harbor, it is eminently justified.