
Nice try Pops, but you are wrong again.

It tells us they are traitors and refuse to abide by the law of the land. The law is not racial profiling as your lib media outlets have told you.

I know its hard for you to accept, but the Dems want amnesty so they will get 20M new voters and millions on their dole. Its all about power and control by dems.

First off "Gippy" I'm fine with deporting illegals who are breaking the law. Just not fine with harassing innocent Latino Americans.

Secondly... keep up the great work of driving the fastest growing American voting population our way.;)

Yes Dems are more likey

OR Reagan of course...WHO DID
or Bush who wanted to
Or McCain who did want to before he did not...

And of course The Right will cry about it, as anything less camps to throw all Latinos in untill can be Deported or prove they are from US...will not be enough...Logic and any sense of whats possible be damned