The Humane Society endorses Obama


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
The Humane Society Legislative Fund has never endorsed for president before. They must feel this election is of utmost importance to their concerns. Please click the link, the endorsement is long, detailed, and quite enlightening but I posted some relevant portions.

Personally, I don't see how anyone who loves animals could support a ticket with Palin on it, but then again it's been my experience that very few Republicans are animal lovers. Forgetting about the election for a second, let me just say I both pity and dislike those that don't love animals, I'm just glad I'm not one of them.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has been a solid supporter of animal protection at both the state and federal levels. As an Illinois state senator, he backed at least a dozen animal protection laws, including those to strengthen the penalties for animal cruelty, to help animal shelters, to promote spaying and neutering, and to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption. In the U.S. Senate, he has consistently co-sponsored multiple bills to combat animal fighting and horse slaughter, and has supported efforts to increase funding for adequate enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and federal laws to combat animal fighting and puppy mills.

The choice for animals is especially clear now that Palin is in the mix. If Palin is put in a position to succeed McCain, it could mean rolling back decades of progress on animal issues.
No surprise. The Humane Society kills "unadoptable" animals in it's shelters with lethal injections of sodium pentobarbital. Their attitude is reminiscent of other libs who support abortion because the resulting children would be "unwanted". But that's libs - is any being a "problem"? Just KILL it - no problem. :(
No surprise. The Humane Society kills "unadoptable" animals in it's shelters with lethal injections of sodium pentobarbital. Their attitude is reminiscent of other libs who support abortion because the resulting children would be "unwanted". But that's libs - is any being a "problem"? Just KILL it - no problem. :(

What the humane society does is a much better idea than Mr. Hillbilly Red State's habit of sticking the pups or kittens in a burlap sack and sinking them in the nearest body of water.

Certainly no kill shelters are preferable but euthanasia is merciful, perhaps you have a better idea as to what to do with the surplus cats and dogs in this country....we're all listening.

The Humane Society is well respected across the political spectrum, I hope the Obama campaign makes sure this endorsement is highlighted so that everyone knows about it. The fact that this is the first time they have endorsed a candidate for President is an indication of just how much of an extremist Palin really is.

The choice for animals is especially clear now that Palin is in the mix. If Palin is put in a position to succeed McCain, it could mean rolling back decades of progress on animal issues.
What the humane society does is a much better idea than Mr. Hillbilly Red State's habit of sticking the pups or kittens in a burlap sack and sinking them in the nearest body of water.

Proof? Evidence? Or just one of your typical crude, offensive defamations?

Certainly no kill shelters are preferable but euthanasia is merciful

Isn't that just like a lib? He want's to kill everything, and then offer facile self-serving rationalizations for it.

perhaps you have a better idea as to what to do with the surplus cats and dogs in this country....we're all listening.

PETA has no-kill shelters. Now, THAT was hard, wasn't it? Quantum mechanics. :) General Relativity. :D String theory. :o

The Humane Society is well respected across the political spectrum

Just uniformed Poop-Eye blather - the Humane Society has been criticized FOREVER in the anti-speciesism movement.