Syria 2012

exIactly. Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood are working together now. Hammas is the military arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, watch it grow now that the MB has a country of it's own. (Egypt)
Syrian Christians worry about life after Bashar Assad

They fear civil war and revenge attacks if President Bashar Assad falls, an anxiety fed by the sectarian violence seen in Egypt and Iraq.

Ignatius IV, patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church, described Syria as an oasis of religious tolerance where Christians can worship freely, build sanctuaries and run schools, activities that are restricted by varying degrees in a number of Middle Eastern countries.

Christian clerics are frequently shown on television taking part in joint prayer services with their Muslim counterparts. The defense minister is a Christian, as are other senior members of the government and security forces.

"Wherever you go, you find Christians and Muslims," said the patriarch, who has a photograph of himself with Assad displayed on his office wall. "There is no distinction.",0,4403703.story
Syrian violence spills into neighboring Lebanon

Two people were killed and more than 60 wounded in clashes between Sunni Muslims and Alawites in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli in another spillover from the war in neighboring Syria, security and medical sources said on Tuesday.
Gunmen in the Sunni district of Bab al-Tabbaneh and their Alawite rivals in Jebel Mohsen exchanged gun and grenade fire in sporadic fighting overnight and into the day, despite action by Lebanese army troops deployed in the port city, residents said.
Chronic Sunni-Alawite tensions in Tripoli have been heightened by the 17-month-old, mainly Sunni, uprising in Syria against President Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite. Clashes in the city killed 15 people in early June. Continue reading the full story.
plus all the ones Hussein sent over ?

Good point.

The newspaper reveals that a 200 square-kilometer area in northwestern Syria has been photographed by satellites at the request of a Western intelligence agency at least 16 times, the most recent being taken in January. The site is near Masyaf, and it has at least five installations and hidden paths leading underneath the mountains. This supports the reporting of Nizar Nayouf, an award-winning Syrian journalist who said in 2004 that his sources confirmed that Saddam Hussein’s WMDs were in Syria

German Intelligence: "al-Qaeda" All Over Syria


By John Rosenthal

German intelligence estimates that "around 90" terror attacks that "can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups" were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July, as reported by the German daily Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). This was revealed by the German government in a response to a parliamentary question.
US Treasury Confirms that Al Qaeda Runs Syrian "Rebellion"

by Tony Cartalucci

Global Research, July 27, 2012

US fails to sell militants in Syria as "freedom fighters," tells truth for pretext to liquidate monsters of their own creation.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in its article, "Al Qaeda's War for Syria," cited officials from the US Treasury Department stating, "Al Qaeda in Syria (often operating as the "Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant") is using traffickers—some ideologically aligned, some motivated by money—to secure routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign fighters, most of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa. A growing number of donors from the Persian Gulf and Levant appear to be sending financial support."

This undercuts the West's year and a half-long narrative that Syria's violence was the result of a so-called "uprising" by the people of Syria. While the WJS attempts to downplay this admission by claiming, "al Qaeda makes up a small part of the resistance movement," it concedes that, "its strength appears to be rising." In reality, it was Al Qaeda militants from the very beginning, and the only aspect of the conflict "rising" is public awareness of this fact.

Since 2007, US Aided and Abetted Al Qaeda Affiliates Against Syria

A Foreign Invasion, not a Rebellion

The WSJ's article begins with the sentence, "the United States and its allies should consider opening a second front in the Syrian war. In addition to helping end Bashar Assad's rule, there is a growing need to conduct a covert campaign against al Qaeda and other extremist groups gaining a presence in the country."

West Used Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Libya, Is Using Al Qaeda Now in Syria
Help them do the job, and help make our Job with Iran easier.

We need to be careful in this is widely acknowledged that Al-Qaeda in Iraq and other such groups that we would not support are also supporting the opposition and we should be wary of essentially giving weapons, etc and only end up in their hands -- or that provide a "victory", which then gets hijacked by these groups.
And you don't think that Palistine, US Policy and other things are the main drivers of Muslim Terrorist? I know Christians are all peace and love must pretend like No Christian groups are terrorist as well.

Do you even see the contradiction in your argument? You cannot excuse "muslim terrorism" simply because there is "christian terrorism". Both are equally repugnant and should be roundly condemned. It does no one any good to deflect the conversation of "muslim terrorism" to "christian terrorism" because it ignores the whole issue.
Do you even see the contradiction in your argument? You cannot excuse "muslim terrorism" simply because there is "christian terrorism". Both are equally repugnant and should be roundly condemned. It does no one any good to deflect the conversation of "muslim terrorism" to "christian terrorism" because it ignores the whole issue.

the problem with your statement is that I don't excuse Muslim terrorism...I simply don't equate they are terrorist because they are Muslim...I equate they are terrorist who happen to also be Muslim..the main drivers of the terrorist attacks are Political...wrapped in Religion...rather then Religion wrapped in Politics.
We need to be careful in this is widely acknowledged that Al-Qaeda in Iraq and other such groups that we would not support are also supporting the opposition and we should be wary of essentially giving weapons, etc and only end up in their hands -- or that provide a "victory", which then gets hijacked by these groups.

I would not suggest doing it blindly...But we already know Iran has used Syria as a ground for attacks on Israel and across the middle east including US Military targets...I would rather the US start being viewed as the one who helped the people knock down dictators...rather then the ones who prop them up. Also I do so with the understanding that we may not like the first governments picked in Islamic nations with a real right to vote...but the more elections they have...and the more there leaders need to own up to there own people and not just cast blame on the US if they want to keep there job...the more the people can focus on there own leaders and making them fix there problems...not be force to have no say in there own and only able to blame the west...( protests to blame the west are allowed, to protest there own goverment...your arrested or killed)