Sleeping Air Traffic Controller At Reagan National


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Destroying a safe well-paid system was the handiwork of the sleepwalking useless Reagan, a man who was basically a teleprompter reader and not much else.

How ironic that the incident, now routine. was at the airport laughably named after him.

"...WASHINGTON — Two airliners landed at Reagan National Airport near Washington without control tower clearance because the air traffic supervisor was asleep, safety and aviation officials said Wednesday.

The supervisor – the only controller scheduled for duty in the tower around midnight Tuesday when incident occurred – had fallen asleep, said an aviation official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the incident.

The National Transportation Safety Board is gathering information on the occurrence to decide whether to open a formal investigation, board spokesman Peter Knudson said.

The pilots of the two commercial planes were unable to reach the tower, but they were in communication with a regional air traffic control facility, Knudson said. That facility is in Warrenton, Va., about 40 miles from the airport.

Regional air traffic facilities handle aircraft within roughly a 50 mile radius of an airport, but landings, takeoffs and planes within about three miles of an airport are handled by controllers in the airport tower.

After pilots were unable to raise the airport tower by radio, they asked controllers in Warrenton to call the tower, Knudson said. Repeated calls to the tower went unanswered, he said.

The planes involved were American Airlines flight 1012 and United Airlines flight 628T, Knudson said.

The Federal Aviation Administration released a statement confirming the incident.

"The FAA is looking into staffing issues and whether existing procedures were followed appropriately," agency spokeswoman Laura Brown said in an email

Comrade Stalin
Government deadbeats can't stay awake long enough to do their job, and its Reagan's fault??? :D

The howlers just flow out of you. :)
PATCO went on strike, after Reagan warned them they would all be fired. So Reagan fired them and dissolved PATCO.

Even back then, Reagan knew that federal employee unions were a very bad idea, especially when it came to national security.

I understand that having a President who makes decisions and follows through with them is a novel and foreign idea to you leftists, but there was a President who served two terms in the 80s who did just that.

Now, almost 30 years later, an air traffic controller at Reagan International Airport falls asleep at the wheel, and it's Ronald Reagan's fault? Now THAT is some funny stuff right there.

Stalin, if the PATCO union members were so "well paid", then why did they go on strike?