Should we have a rule On hijacking Threads?

You guys are seriously off-topic here. This topic is about stealing clothes from trailer trucks, and I don't know as there is one single post here related to the topic. Now we have Mr. Ox talking about the wild west and sheriffs... man.... Who started this thread, anyway? Whoever it was must be pretty upset!

So anyway, to get back on topic... I thought most of the hijacking was getting well before the threads were made, and that it was the designs being hijacked and sent to China where the items are made and then shipped here as legitimate clothing?

is china really communist?
I would say how...but the mods would yell at me for course language and attacking a poster with lots of insults.... :)
Why are you attacking Pandora? Mr Ox is the one needing attacking. We should tell China that Mr Ox is setting sail with his Navy threads and will be firing on them as soon as he can get his John Wayne unholstered. Then the Chinese Navy will deal with him.
Why are you attacking Pandora? Mr Ox is the one needing attacking. We should tell China that Mr Ox is setting sail with his Navy threads and will be firing on them as soon as he can get his John Wayne unholstered. Then the Chinese Navy will deal with him.

I was telling Pandora that I could say why ox should be a mod...but how mod rules state that I can't say what I would say :) I do think that the john Wayne situation is best handled by the navy...around the day Elvis Died...also known as his birthday they should have god send a powerful message about how Hoot Smally Tarrifs that FDR put in place but secretly having Hoover do it after it was signed submitted by the Republicans so that the roaring 20's would be killed by his poor leadership. Crushing a econ that had when he took over had only 25% unemployment...thus clearly showing why democrats can't be trusted with the econ that is before they are in office and for the policys that they did not actuly put in place written by the other party....And thus Bachmann is from China.
truth is Conservatives go public and try to die on the cross crying about there persecution...liberals like me get yelled at and keep it private and try to not do anything bad for a while.

UShadItComing was not a conservative and he was the biggest sissy ever@

i kinda miss him :) I miss bashing canada just to make him mad too

just think of all the justin beiber jokes I could make :)
UShadItComing was not a conservative and he was the biggest sissy ever@

i kinda miss him :) I miss bashing canada just to make him mad too

just think of all the justin beiber jokes I could make :)

Conversation with my 8 year old last Saturday.

Him: "Thats Justin Bieber's girl friend. He's got a girl friend. He is going through puberty."
Me: "That is a nice song. So they are girlfriend/boyfriend, eh?"
Him: "Whats puberty?"
Me, laughing: "Changes. He will start shaving and his voice will change."
Him: "NO WAY! His voice won't change!"
Me: "Oh yes it will. So won't yours when you get to be his age."
Him: long silence.
Him: "Can we go to Chuck E. Cheese after the meeting?"
Conversation with my 8 year old last Saturday.

Him: "Thats Justin Bieber's girl friend. He's got a girl friend. He is going through puberty."
Me: "That is a nice song. So they are girlfriend/boyfriend, eh?"
Him: "Whats puberty?"
Me, laughing: "Changes. He will start shaving and his voice will change."
Him: "NO WAY! His voice won't change!"
Me: "Oh yes it will. So won't yours when you get to be his age."
Him: long silence.
Him: "Can we go to Chuck E. Cheese after the meeting?"

you mean he will not sound like a 12 year old girl forever? :)
I am pretty sure he was the guy who aslo posted at stormfront..thus nazi. but not 100% sure it was him,

You're thinking of the wrong guy, Shadi was a Canadian that railed against the "Conservatives" in Canada because they were "racists" and thought America had become a Fascist nation akin to Germany in the 30's.

The guy you're thinking of, who's name I also can't remember, used red text in every post... Top Gun was also using red text at the time, so TG switched to posting in blue to avoid being confused for the Stormfront idiot but kept the blue after that guy got banned.
You're thinking of the wrong guy, Shadi was a Canadian that railed against the "Conservatives" in Canada because they were "racists" and thought America had become a Fascist nation akin to Germany in the 30's.

The guy you're thinking of, who's name I also can't remember, used red text in every post... Top Gun was also using red text at the time, so TG switched to posting in blue to avoid being confused for the Stormfront idiot but kept the blue after that guy got banned.

yea your right, I did not care for any of them so did not pay much attention...I think I had half the board on ignore at that time.
So, you are Mr. Ox. Is this name taken from your strength? Do you pull laden farm wagons to town or pull carts in the mines?


Is your avatar image from the mirror, or your dorian gray portrait? Lol.