Sarah Palin: I owe America an apology

He talks all about it in books he claims to have written
I read both of those books he claims to have written and you are correct, Obama does talk about the abandonment from his parents.

But, isn't that a little much to expect from our low/no information liberal friends?

I mean, reading books and all to inform oneself?
People told me that if I voted for Romney the middle class would suffer and the one percenters would increase their wealth.

People told me if I voted for Romney we would have troops on the ground in Iraq again.

People told me if I voted for Romney our country would be divided like never before.

People told me if I voted for Romney jobs would go overseas.

People told me if I voted for Romney unemployment would go above 8%.

They were right, I voted for Romney and all those things happened.

Republicans like you are why its divided...

Yes but unlike with Mitt, they are not dying. And are there for support and to deffend our bases..not as the main fighting force.

when you solve the issue of workers getting paid 10 cents a hour with no health care, vs US wages, let us know.

Im sorry what is that rate right now? Sorry Obama has just had years of steady growth...should have had a nice big ass nose dive like Under Bush...I am guessing what you ment was, thanks for fixing the Republicans Giant Crash.
I read both of those books he claims to have written and you are correct, Obama does talk about the abandonment from his parents.

But, isn't that a little much to expect from our low/no information liberal friends?

I mean, reading books and all to inform oneself?
I knew what he was referencing , I am sorry I should have made it clear for the slower in the class.