Pompeo “jokes” on smooth transition to a second Trump administration


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. .....Considering this is a president who has already demonstrated his willingness to wield the power of the state against peaceful marchers protesting his regime in the nation's capital, and considering he has rejected the election results and his White House is reportedly behaving internally as if he will serve a second term, it is somewhat alarming that he is currently purging the senior leadership of his security services and replacing them with what appear to be more pliant loyalists. Maybe this is about some policy disagreements, since as we all know, Donald Trump is real big on the details. Or does he maybe believe these folks will be more reliable if he decides to give the order to the United States security apparatus to crush demonstrations in the street? Is this merely part of whatever inevitable coverups his administration will pursue ahead of actually leaving? Are these questions we should really need to ask in the United States of America? And what would we be saying if we saw this in another country?

It remains incredible to watch various Savvy Observers calmly explain that The Laws will prevent Donald Trump from doing stuff. They've never stopped him before, whether it was in his prior gig as a real-estate crook or in his current one as President of the United States. This is a guy who seized money Congress refused to appropriate for his Big, Beautiful Wall, relentlessly undermined the independent system of justice, and rejected the oversight power of the House of Representatives. But surely he'll play by the rules now, when leaving office could present him with significant legal exposure. On a more fundamental level, taking this L would deal possibly debilitating psychological damage to someone of his...particular makeup. He will do whatever he can get away with, as he always has, and it will be up to the rest of the country to decide what that is.

Source: https://www.esquire.com/news-politi...e-department-after-rejecting-election-result/

2. By firing Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, it seems that Trump is ensuring that the military will be fighting on his side and there will be no coup against him if he is dead set on staying in the White House for another four years after losing his spurious lawsuits to keep his "crown and throne". :)

With solid backing from more pliant loyalists in the military and security services, it will be difficult, if not impossible, for Nancy Pelosi to "fumigate him out" of the White House if he refuses to leave after his re-election loss. As pointed out by Mao Zedong: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

