Olbermann: Kill the bill

Yeah, his 95% record for voting with Democrats is 5% too little...

He stood on the Floor of the Republican Party Convention against the Dems....he is not even just voting against the health care reforms, the biggest part of the New Administration...but vetoing to not let them have a vote even....so yea, I think he burned his bridges and can talk a short leap of a long pier....

If he wants to vote no, fine, I don't agree....but to not let it even have a vote?
Did you forget that Keith Overbite, Howard "BYAH!" Dean, Bernie "Socialist" Sanders and the rest of the Radical Left also want to kill this bill?

Yes, becuse it has got so watered down...because of people like Lieberman....who will not even allow a vote on this piss water version of it....

But again, they did not run against the Democrat in the Senate race, Campaign with the Republicans in the last Election, and threaten to not let the Senate even vote on a bill...becuse he knew it would pass, while then also not letting them vote on a watered down version that gave him what he had asked for for years....then said no now he is against that to....He is not a Member of the Democratic party, and has been activly going against them now for years...So yes, they are not the same..

I can get some crayons and draw a picture if you still think they are the same...
BO sold out to the insurance industry and big pharma.

W would have done the same thing.

Two peas in a pod...

They go together like peas and carrots...

HEY!! Olberman and "ALWAYS" AGREE!! "KILL the BILL" before it KILLS AMERICA!!

You know maybe Olberman found a piece of a brain somewhere!!
Yeah, his 95% record for voting with Democrats is 5% too little...

Lieberman is a traitor..he should have been verbally abused and kicked to the curb the first day the new Congress was seated. Instead, Obama and the Democrats tried to compromise and make nice...something they've done way too much of this first year. Now, it's coming back to bite them in the form of CompromiseCare..a bill that is bleeding supporters from all sides.

Obama comes across as too soft. It's time to play hardball with the Republicans, Lieberman and the bluedogs. He needs to tell them the way it's going to be and the consequences if they don't. Most importantly, Obama needs to stay true to his base.
Lieberman is a traitor..he should have been verbally abused and kicked to the curb the first day the new Congress was seated. Instead, Obama and the Democrats tried to compromise and make nice...something they've done way too much of this first year. Now, it's coming back to bite them in the form of CompromiseCare..a bill that is bleeding supporters from all sides.
I sure wish that the 'MEDIA' would quit giving 'OLE JOE' so much air time...it only feeds the ego and allows him more importance then he should have...period:mad:
Obama comes across as too soft. It's time to play hardball with the Republicans, Lieberman and the bluedogs. He needs to tell them the way it's going to be and the consequences if they don't. Most importantly, Obama needs to stay true to his base.
Obama's too soft...G.W.B. was to firm {and yet he didn't get his #1 priority Social Security reform passed not even his own party backed him up on that campaign promise}...so too hard lined, too soft spoken; it's just a no win issue either way!