New Harris Poll shows Palin with 48% of the vote.

Move to Alaska and you can get these Jobs

Thats what Sarah Palin is gonna do! Give Jobs in Alaska!
what the hell does Palin have to do with oil jobs in Alaska? She quit. Hell, they don't even like her anymore there.
That's what I love about you lefties. You always denigrate R politicians as dummies.

Palin is just the most current.

Can't you see that you have been duped again by the left media?
That's what I love about you lefties. You always denigrate R politicians as dummies.

Palin is just the most current.

Can't you see that you have been duped again by the left media?

I can see it. Without the left media repeating the dumb things that Palin says, we'd all believe that she is perfectly rational and would make a terrific president.
I can see it. Without the left media repeating the dumb things that Palin says, we'd all believe that she is perfectly rational and would make a terrific president.

The clip on Tuesday which showed Walters bringing up this issue could have been more direct in stating clearly to viewers that the real Palin never stated that “I can see Russia from my house,” or as Walters misquoted the SNL line, “I can see Russia from my backyard.” There is evidence that many voters attribute the SNL line to the real Palin, so it would have been appropriate for the former 20/20 anchor to have said something along the lines of, “Because of the infamous SNL skit, there is a misconception that you once claimed that you had foreign policy experience because could see Russia from your house."

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Gipper is right, the Left characterizes all Conservatives as knuckle-draggers whose evolutionary lineage stopped sometime during the neanderthal period. Conservative women and blacks have it the worst, the Left is merciless on those two groups characterizing them as "stupid sluts" and "Uncle Toms"... Yet claim, with all seriousness, that Conservatives are the misogonists and racists in American society.

The only Republicans the Left is even moderately civil towards are the most flaming Progressive Republicans in the field. Pocket chose Romney and Huckabee as the two most realistic Republican candidates... they just happen to be the two most Progressive Republicans being considered.

Of course, if those two actually got the nomination, the gloves would come off and the Left would once again launch into attacks about how they are secretly Nazi's with a radical right wing agenda to brainwash children, starve the elderly and in their spare time, stomp puppies to death in the streets.
The clip on Tuesday which showed Walters bringing up this issue could have been more direct in stating clearly to viewers that the real Palin never stated that “I can see Russia from my house,” or as Walters misquoted the SNL line, “I can see Russia from my backyard.” There is evidence that many voters attribute the SNL line to the real Palin, so it would have been appropriate for the former 20/20 anchor to have said something along the lines of, “Because of the infamous SNL skit, there is a misconception that you once claimed that you had foreign policy experience because could see Russia from your house."

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Gipper is right, the Left characterizes all Conservatives as knuckle-draggers whose evolutionary lineage stopped sometime during the neanderthal period. Conservative women and blacks have it the worst, the Left is merciless on those two groups characterizing them as "stupid sluts" and "Uncle Toms"... Yet claim, with all seriousness, that Conservatives are the misogonists and racists in American society.

The only Republicans the Left is even moderately civil towards are the most flaming Progressive Republicans in the field. Pocket chose Romney and Huckabee as the two most realistic Republican candidates... they just happen to be the two most Progressive Republicans being considered.

Of course, if those two actually got the nomination, the gloves would come off and the Left would once again launch into attacks about how they are secretly Nazi's with a radical right wing agenda to brainwash children, starve the elderly and in their spare time, stomp puppies to death in the streets.

No doubt they would. They, meaning Democrats, of course, would have to make such claims in order to counter the rants about how the Democratic candidate is the AntiChrist, was born in Kenya, is a Muslim Marxist, not really an American, and is out to destroy the country.

Absurd over the top rhetoric is a part of political campaigns.
Absurd over the top rhetoric is a part of political campaigns.

Your original comment was about the media reporting on all the "stupid" things Palin says... I gave just one example of how the media has a real habit of reporting fiction as fact where Republicans are concerned. In this case by fasley crediting a line from Tina Fey during a Saturday Night Live skit to Sarah Palin. The result is that majority of voters actually believe Sarah Palin, not Tina Fey, made the statement.

Do you have so much as one example of the media falsely attributing a "stupid" statement made by someone making fun of a candidate to the actual candidate?
Your original comment was about the media reporting on all the "stupid" things Palin says... I gave just one example of how the media has a real habit of reporting fiction as fact where Republicans are concerned. In this case by fasley crediting a line from Tina Fey during a Saturday Night Live skit to Sarah Palin. The result is that majority of voters actually believe Sarah Palin, not Tina Fey, made the statement.

Do you have so much as one example of the media falsely attributing a "stupid" statement made by someone making fun of a candidate to the actual candidate?

Not so much reporting on the things she says as simply playing clips of her speeches. Yes, the "I can see Alaska" was something she didn't actually say. I think the "I want to go to Latin America where they speak Latin" was something attributed to Dan Quail that he didn't actually say. I'm sure there are lots of examples.

So, are you for Palin? Do you think she could successfully lead this nation?
Not so much reporting on the things she says as simply playing clips of her speeches. Yes, the "I can see Alaska" was something she didn't actually say. I think the "I want to go to Latin America where they speak Latin" was something attributed to Dan Quail that he didn't actually say. I'm sure there are lots of examples.

So, are you for Palin? Do you think she could successfully lead this nation?

To not know that the major media (left media) has consistently portrayed Rs as dummies, is to NOT know anything. I suppose you are one of those who thinks the media is unbiased.

I remember when Speaker Tip O'Neil spoke with reporters after his first meeting with the Great Ronald Reagan just outside the WH. He told reporters that he had never met someone so stupid. The left media ate it up and of course, dutifully promoted that Reagan was a dunce. Of course, it did not stick, but they tried.

Another good example is what the media did to VP Dan Quayle. They mercilessly attacked him for misspelling a word. And yet, BO consistently says stupid sh*t and the media ignores. Oh the hypocrisy and apparently some are not smart enough to see it.
Not so much reporting on the things she says as simply playing clips of her speeches. Yes, the "I can see Alaska" was something she didn't actually say. I think the "I want to go to Latin America where they speak Latin" was something attributed to Dan Quail that he didn't actually say. I'm sure there are lots of examples.

So, are you for Palin? Do you think she could successfully lead this nation?

AL gore never said he invented the Internet .

Funny thing is there are times I watched a skit on SNL of Palin and thought that was funny...and they made her sound dumb....only later to find out..tina fey actually said word for word what palin said...not just a exaggeration of it.

if republicans don't want there people bashed as idiots...don't elect idiots then. LIke bachmann and her 200 billion dollar a day India trip and getting abortions because you happen to be at the mall crap...or people saying things like...what i said was not intended to be factual.

Palin is a idiot not for what SNL says..but what she says....
And the I can see Russia from my house was not what Palin was a exaggeration...but what she actually said is not all that far off from it.
AL gore never said he invented the Internet .

Funny thing is there are times I watched a skit on SNL of Palin and thought that was funny...and they made her sound dumb....only later to find out..tina fey actually said word for word what palin said...not just a exaggeration of it.

if republicans don't want there people bashed as idiots...don't elect idiots then. LIke bachmann and her 200 billion dollar a day India trip and getting abortions because you happen to be at the mall crap...or people saying things like...what i said was not intended to be factual.

Palin is a idiot not for what SNL says..but what she says....
And the I can see Russia from my house was not what Palin was a exaggeration...but what she actually said is not all that far off from it.

Neither party has a corner on idiocy.

Unfortunately. Maybe we need a new party, the party of non idiots.... no, no one would vote for them. They would tell the people the truth about what has to be done, and no one would want that.
Not so much reporting on the things she says as simply playing clips of her speeches.
OK, just so we're clear... You haven't so much as a single example of a respected journalist falsely attributing a quote to a Democrat.

So, are you for Palin? Do you think she could successfully lead this nation?
I'm no fan of Palin but I'm less of a fan of people spouting lies about her and not being called on it.
AL gore never said he invented the Internet .
Exactly which respected member of the media ever claimed such a thing? Oh that's right... Exactly zero.

if republicans don't want there people bashed as idiots...don't elect idiots then.
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened." –Joe Biden, apparently unaware that FDR wasn't president when the stock market crashed in 1929 and that only experimental TV sets were in use at that time, interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 22, 2008

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden, in a private remark to an Indian-American man caught on C-SPAN, June, 2006

"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." -- Barack Obama, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --Barack Obama, at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

"I don't know what the Austrian term for it is... Wheeling and dealing." -- Barack Obama, Speaking in Austria, where they speak German. Apparently he doesn't know there is no "Austrian" language.

"Everybody knows that it makes no sense... That you send a kid to an emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma... They end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs... When... If you... They just... You just gave them treatment early... and they got some treatment... and uh... uh, breathalyzer... er... an inhalator, not a breathalyzer. -- Barack Obama, Epic genius.

"Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs." -- Nancy Pelosi, There are only 310 million Americans in the United States.

Now Pocket... You were saying that Republicans shouldn't elect idiots?

Palin is a idiot not for what SNL says..but what she says....
So Obama, Biden and Pelosi are not idiots?

Ingroup bias – the tendency for people to give preferential treatment to others they perceive to be members of their own groups.

But Palin is?

Availability cascade – a self-reinforcing process in which a collective belief gains more and more plausibility through its increasing repetition in public discourse (or "repeat something long enough and it will become true").