National Healthcare

It looks to me like some of you are arguing points that sound a lot like the healthcare beneifts the President talked about in his State of the Union. I don't like a national healthcare plan, but I could get behind his plan. The Dems have already pronounced it Dead on Arrival. So much for looking at all alternatives.
I think it's high time that they thought about the healthcare situation. My parents are on a fixed income, and they too are faced with rising bills for thier insurance. They're not old enough for retirement, but he recently got downsized on his job and they have to face the COBRA joke. :frown:
I'm not convinced a national health care program would be good. Other countries HAVE national health care, and yet they come HERE for medical treatment they can't get THERE. Even though I agree the medical situation is out of control, I honestly don't think a national health care program is the answer. I don't know what IS, but I don't think it's THAT.