Mayor Bloomberg has a brillent idea all local and state governments should do


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Bloomberg suggests police go on strike in appeal for gun control, then backpedals

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg doubled down this week on his call for more gun control following the Colorado massacre – suggesting police strike until additional laws are passed.
Bloomberg, the Republican-turned-independent, wasted little time in calling for tougher gun laws, saying just hours after the mass shooting early Friday at a movie theater that President Obama and Mitt Romney must address the gun violence issue.
Then on Monday night, when asked by cable TV host Piers Morgan why Americans don’t demand tougher laws after such a tragedy, he said: "I would take it one step further. I don't understand why police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say, 'We're going to go on strike. We're not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what's required to keep us safe.'"

Why Not? Its a Brillant idea!!! So that way i get no more traffic tickets and no more parking tickets and i can freely offer money on girls who want sex! Oh Yeah if a black guy asks me for money or tries to steal my car out comes my 357 like what Charles Bronson did here.

Problem solved without cops
Bloomberg continues to descend down the ladder into what I would call "Insanity".
He just dithers and pontificates--thinking someone--somewhere will "like" him more and think he's "smart".
SAD to see.
Bloomberg is a blooming idiot. I'd like to see him go out without his security cops. But of course nut cases like him would apply different rules to himself.
Bloomberg is a blooming idiot. I'd like to see him go out without his security cops. But of course nut cases like him would apply different rules to himself.

Wouldn't it be nice if politicians just did their job well and left it at that?
NYC has always had oddball Mayors--like Fiorello LaGuardia.
He was like his contemporary Huey Long.
Every Man A King!
Look, I have no problem with sane, law-abiding citizens keeping guns in their own homes for hunting, etc,
but why is it so easy for nut-jobs to get deadly weapons ? If people want to go to a gun shop and buy
guns, ok. But there should be REASONABLE precautions taken to see that the wrong guys don't have
such easy access to them. And who needs AK-47s for hunting, any way ?
Look, I have no problem with sane, law-abiding citizens keeping guns in their own homes for hunting, etc,
but why is it so easy for nut-jobs to get deadly weapons ? If people want to go to a gun shop and buy
guns, ok. But there should be REASONABLE precautions taken to see that the wrong guys don't have
such easy access to them. And who needs AK-47s for hunting, any way ?

it doesnt say 'the right to keep and bear arms for hunting or self defense' or hadnt you noticed ?
the point of the 2nd amendment is allow the population to defend the 1st.

think this