Liberal talk show host make fool of her self AGAIN

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

The liberal hero joy behar said gun laws would change when blacks get guns ??????
Talk about a raciest moron . I hate to tell her but a lot of black America own guns legally and responsibly just as whites do. And its not white Mormons doing all those shooting s in Chicago every week or la or nyc or Detroit , Baltimore etc.

She is a moron and a fine example of whats wrong with democrats . She sticks her foot innher own mouth so often shes almost as stupid as Joe Biden .
...yeah, she saying that with the actions of most conservative politicians clearly singling out people of different races, such as singling out the blm protests without mentioning the capital riots, or kkk marches.

The liberal hero joy behar said gun laws would change when blacks get guns ??????
Talk about a raciest moron . I hate to tell her but a lot of black America own guns legally and responsibly just as whites do. And its not white Mormons doing all those shooting s in Chicago every week or la or nyc or Detroit , Baltimore etc.

She is a moron and a fine example of whats wrong with democrats . She sticks her foot innher own mouth so often shes almost as stupid as Joe Biden .
Not really? I don't recall black ratbags slaughtering kids. They were all white.
Thats what Im saying. If it was a black person they would have locked down all guns in America
"She is a moron and a fine example of whats wrong with democrats"

one person says something and you criticize tens of millions of people on that basis?
you're a fine example of what' wrong with morons
truth? the truth is that you a low IQ obsessed creepy person. lol.

one person doesn't prove anything about a large group. duh.
truth? the truth is that you a low IQ obsessed creepy person. lol.

one person doesn't prove anything about a large group. duh.
The truth is you know nothing about me, I have worked as a Officer for a college and even taught a class there , I worked on the EELV and shuttle programs among others in the field at launch pads and in our labs and clean room .
I worked in a chemical plant for experimental chemicals and pharmaceuticals where I made them and did some testing on finished products in the lab I also worked in central offices for bell Atlantic and digital eqt. working on their switching eqt and wiring . I was right under the general manager at a ski resort and also worked with Convicts at a state facility . I grew up poor on a farm and reeducated myself on my own and paid for it myself when I went back to trade schools 2 times.
As for my IQ it was tested 1 time I scored 127 which is very good.
Now so your dumb ass will know more about me , i have always been a outdoors man hunting and fishing . I have elk white tails and mule deer a bear and just about all species of small game and fowl normally found . I have built several guns and reload my own precision ammo , Im not married but have a live in , I have step kids but none of my own as I didn't wan to put a child on the earth with so many people like you in it.
I am not a religious person but often think there could be a god and I respect others right to believe as they wish , I grew up in a democrat family but after carter except for local elections and some state never voted democrat again, I grew up and saw what they were .
I help care for my mother and step dad who have dementia and physical issues now as they reach 90 .
I have health issues Im a diabetic from birth and I also have a heart issue which resulted in me having congestive heart failure for 1 years Im on my 3rd pacemaker defibrillator a 3 wire model and can still beat the hell out of most men half my age in good health .
Now I have manned up and told you about me so why dont you do the same . now man up or stfu .
The truth is you know nothing about me, I have worked as a Officer for a college and even taught a class there , I worked on the EELV and shuttle programs among others in the field at launch pads and in our labs and clean room .
I worked in a chemical plant for experimental chemicals and pharmaceuticals where I made them and did some testing on finished products in the lab I also worked in central offices for bell Atlantic and digital eqt. working on their switching eqt and wiring . I was right under the general manager at a ski resort and also worked with Convicts at a state facility . I grew up poor on a farm and reeducated myself on my own and paid for it myself when I went back to trade schools 2 times.
As for my IQ it was tested 1 time I scored 127 which is very good.
Now so your dumb ass will know more about me , i have always been a outdoors man hunting and fishing . I have elk white tails and mule deer a bear and just about all species of small game and fowl normally found . I have built several guns and reload my own precision ammo , Im not married but have a live in , I have step kids but none of my own as I didn't wan to put a child on the earth with so many people like you in it.
I am not a religious person but often think there could be a god and I respect others right to believe as they wish , I grew up in a democrat family but after carter except for local elections and some state never voted democrat again, I grew up and saw what they were .
I help care for my mother and step dad who have dementia and physical issues now as they reach 90 .
I have health issues Im a diabetic from birth and I also have a heart issue which resulted in me having congestive heart failure for 1 years Im on my 3rd pacemaker defibrillator a 3 wire model and can still beat the hell out of most men half my age in good health .
Now I have manned up and told you about me so why dont you do the same . now man up or stfu .
Forgot to mention you are a liar and humble.