Latin Culture

Neutral Evil

Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2010
I have lived in Catalunya long enough to learn that the country follows a very rigid form of the ancient latin culture. Everything is very academically designed. People fit into specific categories and don´t deviate from them. A business man is a business man, a common man, a common man, and a professional man a professional man. The areas are segregated based on this principle. The commercial sector is built seperately from the intellectual one. The outskirts are the province of the manual and industrial sectors. What´s more, exams outweigh practical experience.

All in all, I call this kind of system a conspiracy that is designed to create academic supremicist countries.
Werbung: sounds like the usual sub-divisions.

Maybe other countries institute sub-divisions, but in Gerona they are very pronounced. I used to live in London and to a degree, yes, there was segregation. But people had chances in life. They weren´t held back of social conditioning. Most of my mates from London Metropolitan broke with the class structure to pursue their own goals, as it should be. But where I live, people are happy with little and as a result, suffer from parochial tendencies.

Having trouble passing the exams are you?

How I pass my exams or not has nothing to do with my thoughts or feelings. I would still view the situation regardless of my academic achievements. They are irrelevant.