Is Western culture being destroyed?

Is this a family motto?

Members of my family would've given up talking to you ages ago.

I'm willing to bet my album of Annette Funicello nudie pictures that the Pope would be real unhappy to hear you say that Communion was a meaningless ritual.

You've just lost a bet, then.

sac·ra·ment /ˈsækrəmənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sak-ruh-muhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

1. Ecclesiastical. a visible sign of an inward grace, esp. one of the solemn Christian rites considered to have been instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize or confer grace: the sacraments of the Protestant churches are baptism and the Lord's Supper; the sacraments of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches are baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, matrimony, penance, holy orders, and extreme unction.
2. (often initial capital letter) Also called Holy Sacrament. the Eucharist or Lord's Supper.
3. the consecrated elements of the Eucharist, esp. the bread.
4. something regarded as possessing a sacred character or mysterious significance.
5. a sign, token, or symbol.
6. an oath; solemn pledge.

Keep your nudie pictures. It is enough to demonstrate how utterly ignorant you are.

It's good that you have others to do your thinking for you. This is one of the appeals of organized religion, you have someone to tell you what you should do and this seems to absolve you of a lot of responsibility for your actions. The Catholics who tortured people in the Inquisition did it on the say-so of the higher-ups in the church. People have done a lot of disgusting things on the say-so of authority figures and then excused themselves by saying, "I was just doing my job."

And I suppose you are incapable of learning from other people, hmmm?

Your reasoning tells tons about the company you keep.

Well, mish-mash or not at least I am living my truth and not appealing to the authority of some church to make my decisions for me. Funny how you are quick to back-off when your own words make my point for me. Any time you want evidence just let me know and I'll give you the titles of some books to read on the subject or you can Google TRANSSEXUAL and pull up about a million citations--some of which are from reputable scientific sources. The fact that you are totally ignorant of the subject is disappointing but not surprising. The American Medical Association has been using the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care very successfully to treat transsexuals for more than 30 years now--shows how far behing the curve the churches and general population are, doesn't it?

Yeah, like I have anything to do with transexuals.

Shoot, Nums, you have to have a psych eval to get into the military too, maybe if the Catholics had these evaluations for their priests then they wouldn't have so many child molestors.

Military personnel are given guns. Of course nobody wants an unstable person with a gun.

Priests are evaluated according to intelligence. They undergo something like 10 years of training before being ordained as a priest.

Oh, and as for child molesters, I think you're quite safe from them. They prefer actual children -- not someone who only thinks like one.

I love the implied circular reasoning in your psych eval attack: if you have a psych eval that implies that you're nuts, if you don't have one then you're nuts too. The counseling that transgender people get is extremely valuable to rule out the several other causes of gender dysphoria, it also helps us deal with the insanely bigoted attacks made on us by uneducated religious folks. (It would be good to note here, Nums, that my question to you about why you're so down on transpeople went unanswered. There is nothing in the Bible about us--not a single word. Why aren't you attacking people with piercings? Those aren't mentioned in the Bible either and it's OBVIOUSLY body mutilation.) Come on, Nums, pony up here, explain why you are attacking transpeople with such vitriol.

Transexualism is a personal choice that can only do harm to the transexual.

How many personal life decisions do you suppose are there that requires a psych evaluation, hmmm?
It's good to know that the Catholic church has standards, one has to be at least 10 years old to participate in ritual cannibalism.

You wouldn't know. You have an iq that cannot even surpass that of most 10 year olds.

How old does one have to be before one can be molested by a priest?

You mean a HOMOSEXUAL, pedophile priest? You tell me -- since you have at least 1/3 in common with these sort.
I had to chuckle when I read this post, it's not a yes or no question. It reminded me of the old question, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" It doesn't matter how you answer it you're wrong. This is a debating technique called "framing the discussion". You're fun, Nums.:D

But you answered, nonetheless.
You've just lost a bet, then.

sac·ra·ment /ˈsækrəmənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sak-ruh-muhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

1. Ecclesiastical. a visible sign of an inward grace, esp. one of the solemn Christian rites considered to have been instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize or confer grace: the sacraments of the Protestant churches are baptism and the Lord's Supper; the sacraments of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches are baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, matrimony, penance, holy orders, and extreme unction.
2. (often initial capital letter) Also called Holy Sacrament. the Eucharist or Lord's Supper.
3. the consecrated elements of the Eucharist, esp. the bread.
4. something regarded as possessing a sacred character or mysterious significance.
5. a sign, token, or symbol.
6. an oath; solemn pledge.
Too bad you didn't read my post, Nums, my statement was "...the Pope would be real unhappy to hear you say that Communion was a meaningless ritual," and your wonderful definition didn't address the bet in any way. You posted that it was a meaninless ritual and I don't think the Pope would like that.

Keep your nudie pictures. It is enough to demonstrate how utterly ignorant you are.
You just say that because you are too young to remember Annette on the Mouseketeers program.

Yeah, like I have anything to do with transexuals.
Well, you've had plenty to say to me on the subject, why is that, Nums?

Priests are evaluated according to intelligence. They undergo something like 10 years of training before being ordained as a priest.
I see in the paper just this morning that the Catholic church paid out $526 million last year to the victims of Catholic clergy.

Oh, and as for child molesters, I think you're quite safe from them. They prefer actual children -- not someone who only thinks like one.
Poor Nums, another cheap personal attack. Why is that?

Transexualism is a personal choice that can only do harm to the transexual.
Another case of you talking about something you know nothing about. I remember your post #87 on the Pope thread where you said you don't do that. Pony up here, Nums, why talk about trannies when you don't know about them?

How many personal life decisions do you suppose are there that requires a psych evaluation, hmmm?
Rather a lot of them actually, why if you were to get one before coming on these discussions sites and talking about things of which you are totally ignorant you might discover why you feel compelled to attack people you don't know for things you know nothing about, hmmmm?

It is NOT CONTEMPLATED with the assertion that 'the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society'.

It wasn't that hard, was it?

I like it, Nums! They don't talk about it, which means that you get to read between the lines and decide what they meant when they didn't talk about it.

This is a great technique, let's see if I can use it too. Well, God didn't mention transsexuals in the Bible so that means that He expected everybody to realize that it was just a birth defect and be nice to them.

Knowing that you like this technique explains a lot about your posts.
You wouldn't know. You have an iq that cannot even surpass that of most 10 year olds.

You mean a HOMOSEXUAL, pedophile priest? You tell me -- since you have at least 1/3 in common with these sort.

Golly, Nums, you're on a roll, two unsupported personal attacks in one post.
Too bad you didn't read my post, Nums, my statement was "...the Pope would be real unhappy to hear you say that Communion was a meaningless ritual," and your wonderful definition didn't address the bet in any way. You posted that it was a meaninless ritual and I don't think the Pope would like that.

Duh uh.

I said:

"A catholic ritual is a symbolic act meant to convey a fundamental truth.

On its own, a ritual is meaningless."

Do you need lessons on the english language as well -- or do you just need to follow your own advice?

You just say that because you are too young to remember Annette on the Mouseketeers program.

I'm not a fan of pornography. But I see you are.

Well, you've had plenty to say to me on the subject, why is that, Nums?

I did? Remind me.

I see in the paper just this morning that the Catholic church paid out $526 million last year to the victims of Catholic clergy.

Would you like me to give you an equally meaningless statistic on the costs on the victims of aids?

Poor Nums, another cheap personal attack. Why is that?

Just the facts ma'm.

Another case of you talking about something you know nothing about. I remember your post #87 on the Pope thread where you said you don't do that. Pony up here, Nums, why talk about trannies when you don't know about them?

Refresh my memory.

Rather a lot of them actually, why if you were to get one before coming on these discussions sites and talking about things of which you are totally ignorant you might discover why you feel compelled to attack people you don't know for things you know nothing about, hmmmm?

And they are....?
I like it, Nums! They don't talk about it, which means that you get to read between the lines and decide what they meant when they didn't talk about it.

It would be an absurd stretch to think that '...the NATURAL and fundamental group unit of society...' includes homosexual unions.

You can keep this up all day and it still be nonsense.

This is a great technique, let's see if I can use it too. Well, God didn't mention transsexuals in the Bible so that means that He expected everybody to realize that it was just a birth defect and be nice to them.

You're supposed to be nice to EVERYONE, even transexuals.

That doesn't mean you can marry them, now, does it?

You must be farting dust right about now trying to argue an absurd proposition.

Knowing that you like this technique explains a lot about your posts.

Its called logic. You might want to try it sometime.