Is Obama killing the democratic party?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Tea party voters are sending Democrats a very strong message. Obandon Obama or LOSE YOUR SEAT. Yesterday Ohio tea party kicked out Dennis Kucinich. Miss Pelosi,Boxer and Feinstein are you listening? You simply have 2 choices. You can ether cooperate with the Republicans or Lose your seat those are the choices you have. The Tea Party people are fed up at Washingtion politics. Take a lesson from 2010. I guess people like Kucinich didnt get the message. Soon congress will have a super majority and the Senate will gain 5 republican seats. It means Obamacare will be history cause the house and senate will vote down Obamacare and if Obama gets out that rubber stamp the House will over ride it. Mr Obama this is Washington NOT VEGAS and you cant beat the House in Washington. If you wanna beat the house i suggest you try Vegas.
Tea party voters are sending Democrats a very strong message. Obandon Obama or LOSE YOUR SEAT. Yesterday Ohio tea party kicked out Dennis Kucinich. Miss Pelosi,Boxer and Feinstein are you listening? You simply have 2 choices. You can ether cooperate with the Republicans or Lose your seat those are the choices you have. The Tea Party people are fed up at Washingtion politics. Take a lesson from 2010. I guess people like Kucinich didnt get the message. Soon congress will have a super majority and the Senate will gain 5 republican seats. It means Obamacare will be history cause the house and senate will vote down Obamacare and if Obama gets out that rubber stamp the House will over ride it. Mr Obama this is Washington NOT VEGAS and you cant beat the House in Washington. If you wanna beat the house i suggest you try Vegas.

There is not many things I would enjoy more than seeing Boxer, Pelosi and Feinstein out. obama being kicked out would be the only thing better
I thought the Democrats said the Tea party was dead?
