Implementation of Obamacare


One must agree to give up protection under HIPPA and their 4th Amendment right in order to sign up for Obamacare.

Sinister Source Code in the Obamacare Program!

Day by day, wave after wave of Obamacare horrors are washing up on the American consciousness…one recent horror being a hidden source code within the ACA site.

If you’ve not seen this video, it’s well worth 4 minutes of your time — prepare to be shocked and disgusted.

Watch and listen as Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, grills Cheryl Campbell, senior vice president of CGI Federal Inc. Yes, the company that built the website.

Obamacare Architect Admits: If You Like Your Doctor, ‘You Can Pay for It’

It sounded like a new twist on an old promise as Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel was pushed to answer what Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace insisted was a simple question:

“President Obama famously promised, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Doesn’t that turn out to be just as false, just as misleading, as his promise about if you like your plan, you can keep your plan?”

Emanuel tried heading toward after-the-fact nuances, but Wallace wouldn’t let go: “It’s a simple yes or no question. Did he say if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?”

“Yes,” Emanuel finally admitted before quickly turning another corner. “But look, if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice.”

Which Wallace jumped on, soon forcing Emanuel to admit that Americans under Obamacare “are going to have a choice as to whether they want to pay a certain amount for a selective network or pay more for a broader network.”

And that led to the key admission in the following segment of the interview:
'A public safety disaster': Obamacare could force THOUSANDS of volunteer fire departments to close

Volunteer fire departments all across the U.S. could find themselves out of money and unable to operate unless Congress or the Obama Administration exempts them from the Affordable Care Act.

'I thought the kinks were worked out of Obamacare at the first of the month, Central Florida volunteer firefighter Carl Fabrizi told Sunshine State News.

'Man, oh, man, this could potentially destroy some real good companies in Florida.'

The U.S. Department of Labor takes the term 'volunteer' literally, but the IRS says volunteer firefighters are technically employees if they're on the job more than 30 hours per week, making them subject to Obamacare's employee-mandate rules.
Greta just interviewed a doctor who is going to roll up his business and shut the doors. He said there is no way his practice has the money to implement Obamacare.

I bet this is going to affect a lot of rural doctors.
Federal judge deals another blow to ObamaCare contraceptive mandate

OKLAHOMA CITY – A federal judge granted an injunction Friday that prohibits the government from enforcing the federal health care law's requirement that insurance coverage include access to the morning-after pill and similar contraceptives on almost 200 religious organizations that have filed a class-action lawsuit to block the mandate.

Can anyone recall a piece of legislation that has been so unConstitutional, so illegal, done so much damage to the economy and the citizens of this Country as the Marxist Democrat's Obamacare bill?
Now that Obamacare is beginning to be implemented, the news is so full of horrific stories as the process moves forward, I thought it needed it's own thread.

I would encourage all to post their Obamacare stories, be it from the news or personal. And, if possible, post a successful story concerning Obamacare.

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I have a job and health insurance. Just a little info...I HATE HATE HATE the idea of government run health care and everything it signifies.
Just for the hell of it, I went onto the NH exchange website to get a quote (No, I would NEVER sign up!). My premium would be $180. MORE per month and my deductible would go UP from my current $1500./year to $6000. per year! I wouldn't qualify for any subsidies.
Ain't ObamaCare grand!
I have a job and health insurance. Just a little info...I HATE HATE HATE the idea of government run health care and everything it signifies.
Just for the hell of it, I went onto the NH exchange website to get a quote (No, I would NEVER sign up!). My premium would be $180. MORE per month and my deductible would go UP from my current $1500./year to $6000. per year! I wouldn't qualify for any subsidies.
Ain't ObamaCare grand!
Thanks for your response Patriot ....

Last year on this forum you could still see comments in favor of Obamacare and comments blasting Conservatives as extremist for speaking out against it.

Today, I have not seen any comments in favor of Obamacare. I can't even get anyone here to comment if or why they support the Democratic Party at this point.

But, we know those closet liberals are still out there and will continue voting Democrat despite all the insanity. There just is no logical argument at this point for anything the Obama Regime is doing.
IT BEGINS: Hospital workers go unpaid...

The contractor building the financial management system for is being blamed by a Houston hospital for delayed Medicare reimbursements that have caused the hospital to miss payrolls for weeks. Novitas Solutions is the federal government's new Medicare payment processor for the south-central region of the country hired by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a division of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS.) ABC-KTRK in Houston reports:
I have a job and health insurance. Just a little info...I HATE HATE HATE the idea of government run health care and everything it signifies.
Just for the hell of it, I went onto the NH exchange website to get a quote (No, I would NEVER sign up!). My premium would be $180. MORE per month and my deductible would go UP from my current $1500./year to $6000. per year! I wouldn't qualify for any subsidies.
Ain't ObamaCare grand!

First - welcome aboard!

Your experience in the NH exchange mirrors what has happened in 24 of the 26 states that have state exchanges. You are not alone.