HBO/Obama censor invocation by openly gay minister


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
I bet homophobe Rick Warren's invocation won't be blacked out.

Although President-elect Obama did include gays in his mention of the various groups who supported him, HBO not only blacked out Bishop Gene Robinson's invocation at today's inauguration concert, they didn't introduce the Washington DC Gay Men's Chorus when they performed, nor did they identify them onscreen. I wonder who was behind that.

Now HBO is claiming the Inaugural Committee made the decision not to show Rev. Robinson's prayer which btw can be seen, filmed by camcorder, on the following link. The real question is why Obama, first with the choice of Rick Warren now with the omission of Rev. Robinson, is disrespecting the LGBT community?
Was that an HBO call or an Obama call?

It might not have been Obama’s fault, it could have been just HBO

But why does it matter about these titles

The homosexual choir
The homosexual preacher
The non homosexual preacher

Why cant they be a choir and a preacher and not black or white
Homosexual or what ever

If we keep dividing ourselves we are never going to get along

But away, it might not have been Obama’s fault about HBO blacking out parts
Was that an HBO call or an Obama call?

It might not have been Obama’s fault, it could have been just HBO

It's looking like it was the Inaugural Committee's decision..

In a conversation with this writer, Jeff Cusson, Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs for HBO, confirmed that HBO was not involved in the decision to move Bishop Robinson's remarks to a time prior to the beginning of the actual broadcast:

"HBO had no involvement in the scheduling of those who appeared as part of the televised event. You'll have to talk to PIC about all of the scheduling decisions. We had a set broadcast time and went forth accordingly."

The choice of Rev. Robinson was thought to be a sort of olive branch extended to the gay community, because of the offense taken by the naming of the homophobic Rev Warren to deliver the invocation. Instead, by purposely omitting Robinson's prayer from the telecast, Obama and/or his Inaugural Committee has compounded the problem.

You can be sure Rev. Warren's prayer will be seen by millions, meanwhile the PIC chooses to hide Rev. Robinson. The gay community accounted for a significant percentage of Obama's vote total...why are they seemingly being disrespected?
Hmm, I dont know why they would do it. Do you know if the prayer the preacher had planned to give was going to cause troubles? or if they were afraid it might cause troubles?

Here's the prayer that was given but not televised..

The PIC has now come out with a statement..

“We had always intended and planned for Rt. Rev. Robinson’s invocation to be included in the televised portion of yesterday’s program. We regret the error in executing this plan – but are gratified that hundreds of thousands of people who gathered on the mall heard his eloquent prayer for our nation that was a fitting start to our event.” -- PIC communications director Josh Earnest

I'm not sure what to believe anymore, HBO says it's the PIC's fault..but this statement..At least they're admitting error, if only due to the uproar.
I liked the prayer, I disagreed with about 2% and liked very much about 98 % of it.

Maybe it was just a bad fluke about it not being shown. We will probably never know but hopefully that is all it was. Pass the video around so more can see. It was worth watching :)

thanks for posting it Popeye
Look, in the end it would be so much easier just to follow the 1st amendment and let everyone sound off. Hetero or homo, everyone has the right to be heard. Being heard is what makes people think, good, bad or indifferent.

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Look, in the end it would be so much easier just to follow the 1st amendment and let everyone sound off. Hetero or homo, everyone has the right to be heard. Being heard is what makes people think, good, bad or indifferent.

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this is not a first amendment right

the preacher does not have rights by law to be on tv with his prayer

its a respect issue. but hopefully is more of a misunderstanding

you dont really think we have the right under the constitution to make others video us on tv and play it on cable do you ?