Has Iran started WWIII?

easy answer Iran was not attacked but a high ranking member of its military who helped plan the oct 7 attack . That was hiding in Syria at Irans embassy. Iran started it by its involvement , support of Hamas and other terror groups .
Iran in essence attacked first , something jew hating liberals are unable to comprehend .
I don't hate Jews, I just don't want to support their murderous campaign in Gaza. As for assassinating some Hamas guy in Syria, I can't say that I oppose that, assuming he was actually guilty as charged.

Both the Palestinians and the Israelis are responsible for the mess in Palisrael. I don't favor either side. Nor do I want to support either side.
That was a poor showing by Iran yesterday. Unless the purpose was to 1. Hearten their supporters and 2. Test the defenses of Israel and the US. I think they're relatively certain that President Biden is going to protect and support them in whatever ways he can.