Disturbing news from Pakistan


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
In Pakistan, Radio Amplifies Terror of Taliban

From 2,000 to 4,000 Taliban fighters now roam the Swat Valley, according to interviews with a half-dozen senior Pakistani government, military and political officials involved in the fight. By contrast, the Pakistani military has four brigades with 12,000 to 15,000 men in Swat, officials say.

But the soldiers largely stay inside their camps, unwilling to patrol or exert any large presence that might provoke — or discourage — the militants, Swat residents and political leaders say. The military also has not raided a small village that locals say is widely known as the Taliban’s headquarters in Swat.

Nor have troops destroyed mobile radio transmitters mounted on motorcycles or pickup trucks that Shah Doran and the leader of the Taliban in Swat, Maulana Fazlullah, have expertly used to terrify residents.

The Taliban is carrying on a campaign of terror in Pakistan and imposing a society that goes beyond Orwellian. It is getting stronger, while the military and police are unable to do anything to effectively stop them.

Pakistan, as you probably know, is an ally in the US "war on terror", as well as a nuclear power. It also is unable to control large parts of its territory.

Scary stuff!
In Pakistan, Radio Amplifies Terror of Taliban

The Taliban is carrying on a campaign of terror in Pakistan and imposing a society that goes beyond Orwellian. It is getting stronger, while the military and police are unable to do anything to effectively stop them.

Pakistan, as you probably know, is an ally in the US "war on terror", as well as a nuclear power. It also is unable to control large parts of its territory.

Scary stuff!

I am sure obama will be able to fix it. just have hope and believe
I am sure obama will be able to fix it. just have hope and believe

If he can convince the Pakistanis to allow foreign troops in to Pakistan to rout out the Taliban, maybe as a coalition with Pakistani troops, he could at least diffuse the situation.

Obama says he likes to use diplomacy, after all, and diplomacy is certainly called for in this situation, don't you think?
If he can convince the Pakistanis to allow foreign troops in to Pakistan to rout out the Taliban, maybe as a coalition with Pakistani troops, he could at least diffuse the situation.

Obama says he likes to use diplomacy, after all, and diplomacy is certainly called for in this situation, don't you think?

Yes I agree we need a coalition with Pakistani troops, I will be impressed with obama if he is able to get a real one. I think he can get all the right people to stand for a photo op but I dont know if he can get a "real" coalition.
Yes I agree we need a coalition with Pakistani troops, I will be impressed with obama if he is able to get a real one. I think he can get all the right people to stand for a photo op but I dont know if he can get a "real" coalition.

I don't either, but we're likely to find out pretty soon. I'm pretty sure he has a better chance than his predecessor would have had, though.

This just might be that international challenge that Biden predicted, and it's a doozy. Pakistan really does have weapons of mass destruction, as well as more than enough terrorists to make Iraq look downright benign.

A Taliban controlled Pakistan is absolutely not acceptable.