Christian and Muslim. Inequality OUT. World piece IN.

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Christian and Muslim. Inequality OUT. World piece IN.

Oversimplification? Perhaps. Think about it.

All worthy theologies and legal philosophies tie righteousness to equality. Do unto others or some other reciprocity law. Christianity and Islam are retarding humanities spiritual growth with their homophobic and misogynous policies that are guaranteed to produce inequality and thus unrighteousness.

If Christians and Muslims cannot give their own people equality, it obviously means that Christians and Muslims are already denigrating and discriminating against better than half the members of all the other religions and non-believers. This prevents mutual respect and rapprochement of the world’s religions and makes world peace impossible?

War begins with inequality and that is what Christianity and Islam are all about at present. Those two major religions cannot co-exist with their policies of discrimination and inequality. Equality is the corner stone of justice and both Christianity and Islam do not grant this most fundamental of all legal tenets.

I believe that if we could change Christian and Muslim attitudes on equality, then world piece would soon follow. Christians and Muslims are not righteous people as long as they do not grant equality to all.

Should Governments be pushing all religions to grant equality to all and end their institutionalized homophobic and misogynous policies?

The government won't have much sway in convincing any religion to do anything differently. That seems to be the one and only time separation of church and state means anything and is enforced.

The government will only be able to help with the inequality if they kick religion out of the lawmaking process, completely. As long as the word "God" is involved in any legal debate, in any context, the religious right will be able to continue enforcing their inequality and discrimination on everybody else.
The government won't have much sway in convincing any religion to do anything differently. That seems to be the one and only time separation of church and state means anything and is enforced.

The government will only be able to help with the inequality if they kick religion out of the lawmaking process, completely. As long as the word "God" is involved in any legal debate, in any context, the religious right will be able to continue enforcing their inequality and discrimination on everybody else.

I hear you but do not quite agree with your first.

If governments do not see the religions following the law of the land then all they need do is revoke the tax exemptions that we grant them.

I do agree that religions are not fit to be a part of the law making process.

Just look at how long it took them to come around to gay rights.

Strange that such a small minority could get those rights before the much larger female population.

Seems gays have more moral fortitude than women. A shame that.

I hear you but do not quite agree with your first.

If governments do not see the religions following the law of the land then all they need do is revoke the tax exemptions that we grant them.

I do agree that religions are not fit to be a part of the law making process.

Just look at how long it took them to come around to gay rights.

Strange that such a small minority could get those rights before the much larger female population.

Seems gays have more moral fortitude than women. A shame that.

Let me begin by saying "thank you for not being a d-bag". Almost everyone on here magically transforms into a d-bag when they don't agree with me. They can be downright mean, sometimes.

Cutting off their government funding and taking away their tax exempt status is a really big and smelly can of worms. It wouldn't take long before they figured out solidarity may help, and its an entire denomination they have to cut off. I live in the south. You cut off funding to the southern baptists, whose entire dogma is based on inequality, you'll have another civil war on your hands. There are 2 things you dont fuck with in the south... guns and god. Pit bulls are a close 3rd.

Almost all gays believed they should have the right to marry the person they're in love with. And a lot of liberals agree with them... male and female alike. Refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding, and the bakery is boycotted and going out of business.

The idea that a woman's place is in the kitchen, its their job to take care of their husband's every needs, their husband knows a lot more about this stuff than they do, and blah blah blah is not a philosophy that's exclusive to men. Again, I only know about the south, in the country. My mom is one of these women, as a matter of fact. There may be a lot more women than there are gays, but there aren't nearly as many women voting in their own best interests as there are gays.

In the past 5 years I have been turned down for 2 jobs because I am female. I can bench press almost 200 pounds. But they needed someone who can lift 100 lbs, and I'm not suitable. The other one was worse. I couldn't get a job at an answering service because females cause drama. Guess who ISN'T getting boycotted?
Let me begin by saying "thank you for not being a d-bag". Almost everyone on here magically transforms into a d-bag when they don't agree with me. They can be downright mean, sometimes.

Cutting off their government funding and taking away their tax exempt status is a really big and smelly can of worms. It wouldn't take long before they figured out solidarity may help, and its an entire denomination they have to cut off. I live in the south. You cut off funding to the southern baptists, whose entire dogma is based on inequality, you'll have another civil war on your hands. There are 2 things you dont fuck with in the south... guns and god. Pit bulls are a close 3rd.

Almost all gays believed they should have the right to marry the person they're in love with. And a lot of liberals agree with them... male and female alike. Refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding, and the bakery is boycotted and going out of business.

The idea that a woman's place is in the kitchen, its their job to take care of their husband's every needs, their husband knows a lot more about this stuff than they do, and blah blah blah is not a philosophy that's exclusive to men. Again, I only know about the south, in the country. My mom is one of these women, as a matter of fact. There may be a lot more women than there are gays, but there aren't nearly as many women voting in their own best interests as there are gays.

In the past 5 years I have been turned down for 2 jobs because I am female. I can bench press almost 200 pounds. But they needed someone who can lift 100 lbs, and I'm not suitable. The other one was worse. I couldn't get a job at an answering service because females cause drama. Guess who ISN'T getting boycotted?

I hear you and as a male, I get a lot of looks when I say I am a feminist.

Here is something for your files that I enjoyed and hope you do as well.

I guess my last word here is that we live in lands of laws and governments and not theocracies.

If churches do not kowtow to the law of the land then they should be closed and if a government does not do so then they are not worthy to govern.

oh wow! Thank you for the link! I had to bookmark it so I can show it to a couple of people I know.

This is just my opinion, but I don't believe our government has been worthy to govern since I have been born. Yes, I genuinely like Obama, but not because of his governing skills. I really like him because he isn't too good to make appearances on The Daily show, or read angry tweets with Jimmy Fallon. He has been one of us this entire time, instead of one of them, (if that makes sense).

And, seriously, thank you for the link.
oh wow! Thank you for the link! I had to bookmark it so I can show it to a couple of people I know.

This is just my opinion, but I don't believe our government has been worthy to govern since I have been born. Yes, I genuinely like Obama, but not because of his governing skills. I really like him because he isn't too good to make appearances on The Daily show, or read angry tweets with Jimmy Fallon. He has been one of us this entire time, instead of one of them, (if that makes sense).

And, seriously, thank you for the link.

My pleasure.

We live in oligarchies and not in any type of free society. I see all the politicians as bought and paid for talking heads but agree that Obama has done good work. That just may be the our oligarch owners getting better at choosing communicators.

Even Hollywood is making better productions these days.

My pleasure.

We live in oligarchies and not in any type of free society. I see all the politicians as bought and paid for talking heads but agree that Obama has done good work. That just may be the our oligarch owners getting better at choosing communicators.

Even Hollywood is making better productions these days.

This may sound a little odd, but your reply sounded like poetry! Something about the way it read, and what it is saying was music to my... well, eyes since I'm reading it.

It is starting to feel hopeless for the "less than billionaires". More so than ever before. Yet, people still seem to be wearing blinders. Smacking them in the face with reality isn't legal.
This may sound a little odd, but your reply sounded like poetry! Something about the way it read, and what it is saying was music to my... well, eyes since I'm reading it.

It is starting to feel hopeless for the "less than billionaires". More so than ever before. Yet, people still seem to be wearing blinders. Smacking them in the face with reality isn't legal.

You peeked at my oligarch O.P. ;-)

To your first. I have been told that a couple of times but cannot see it. I think it would be great if I could do it though.

Perhaps the old subconscious is working overtime and not telling me.

Again, as with most lists made by anti-religious people, Hindiuism is being left out. It's the source of the caste system and the horrible abuse done to the untouchables. Also, on another note, nationalism rivals religion in creating hate. As I mentioned in another thread, the hate between some nations is incredible.
Again, as with most lists made by anti-religious people,is being left out. It's the source of the caste system and the horrible abuse done to the untouchables. Also, on another note, nationalism rivals religion in creating hate. As I mentioned in another thread, the hate between some nations is incredible.

I am a Gnostic Christian and do not fall under your anti-religion label.

As I understand it, the cast system has been abolished but I do not tract Hindiuism because I do not know any.

Sure many nations hate each other. None seem able to put history behind them and forgive as they should.

Be you a political or religious entity, hate becomes a part of it and if left to fester will rot the entity.

You peeked at my oligarch O.P. ;-)

To your first. I have been told that a couple of times but cannot see it. I think it would be great if I could do it though.

Perhaps the old subconscious is working overtime and not telling me.


If you try to do it, it'll sound forced. Most people try and fail. Myself included. I bet if you wrote a "call to action" it would sound GREAT!