Can a Racist be on the Supreme Court?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
Absolutely, since it seems SotoMayor has the Democratic nod.

She judges people by color.
She believes Latino women are smarter or can make better judgements than white males.
She believes Latinos should be given special preference above other races
for jobs, promotions and in all facets of life.

Its a sad state of affairs, if the US can't pick 9 unbiased people
people to fill this court.

It's sad the Republicans can't oppose her because
they then lose the Hispanic vote. It's sad the democrats
alwasy judge people by the color of their skin.

Wake up America, a racist name SotoMayer is ready to be confirmed!
She' getting close to getting in.
I heard a few good lies from here,when she was questioned about her past
RACIAL statements. She seemed good at twisting the truth.

But we all know she's a RACIST right down to her very soul.
You could melt her bones and the marrow would be pure racist substance.

One reason Obama picked her is because she has empathy(codeword for ...).
The other reason is because of her race.

Wake up America!
Some Republicans appear ready to support the Racist Latina SotoMayer.

I'd expect the Democratic Party to support her, as they even fought
for slavery years ago. But republicans?

The confirmation hearings were a setup.
All the easy questions from Democrats were known ahead of time to her.
They made her look mainstream, but she ain't.
You falsely assume others are as intellectually challenged as yourself. But feel free to continue with your incoherent rants. It really shows the rest of us what the Republican base is really like.

After examining your thought process, we feel really good about remaining in power.
Yes, it's all about "being in power". The typical attitude of a dim. Do you think that their power is yours? What a fool. Ive got news for you, regardless of whose in power in Washington D.C., or who belongs to what party, you aren't dealing with concept in YOUR real world, you're dealing with other AMERICANS, real PEOPLE who oppose your way of thinking. Oh yeah, guess what, some of them hold the power of job or no job over your kid. Get intellectual about that.

P.S. The B**** Judge is a racist. If you had a modicum of the intellect you pretend to have, you could not deny it. But then of course that is assuming that you have ever bothered to read anything that she has said, and not just banging on Republicans with a third grade education.
Sotomayor's selection is a reflection of the times. America is in a liberal mood, after eight years of Bush. This too will pass, as it always does. The problem is that Obama has been so aggressive in the implementation of his 'cram-down' legislation strategy, he'll cause irreparable damage to the next for decades to come. Sotomayor is actually a mild concern, compared to the other mischief the Democrats have caused.
Sotomayor's selection is a reflection of the times. America is in a liberal mood, after eight years of Bush. This too will pass, as it always does. The problem is that Obama has been so aggressive in the implementation of his 'cram-down' legislation strategy, he'll cause irreparable damage to the next for decades to come. Sotomayor is actually a mild concern, compared to the other mischief the Democrats have caused.
Hit the road, DILBERT!!!