Brexit: The UK has voted to leave


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
I'm glad the UK has voted to leave, and shows that people aren't frightened by the scare tactics the remain camp used. Independence is necessary and now other countries are wanting to hold referendums.

It will be a rocky time as the measure to leave will unfold, but in the long run the country will benefit. In a decade people will be glad that the right choice was made.
As the old saying goes though, if voting made a difference then they wouldn't let us do it. That might seem a bit negative but do we really think that there's a chance that the UK will leave the EU no matter what the public says?

A lot of people are saying the vote as already been decided, and when you get independent advice telling us to take our own pens to vote with and not use the pencils provided, it does make you wonder just exactly how the results of the vote can be trusted.

Well, the vote is final, but I am sure the remain camp will find excuses for why they 'lost' and still drag their feet in this. A gradual exit is the best way, like any relationship. If one ignores Scotland and Northern Ireland (that have their own laws already and the benefit of the Westminster funding) then the rest of the nation spoke. Wales was a surprise, so I give the Welsh credit for looking at the bigger picture. I feel many areas had mass immigration which affected them, thus they spoke about their discontent at this.

Polish immigration was a major factor and wages are depressed and locals have to compete for jobs with Eastern Europeans who do not mind low wages and often work below the minimum wage. Contrary to polls, it was a resounding no to the EU all across the country except for Scotland.
In the last 20 minutes, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned, due to the Brexit vote. A new leader will be elected by October for the party conference.

I admire him stepping down now, as it allows the country to progress. It looks like it maybe Johnson (Boris) sooner than we all thought.
If Britain is willing to leave the EU, will the USA under Trump leave NAFTA? The vote in the UK could also disprove theories which state populist candidates like Trump can't win are misleading. Anyhow, it's always disturbing to find the far right in any nation happy.
It's not really a 'right wing' vote, because my parent live in a Labour controlled (very left wing) area and over 70% voted leave which surprised me. I think it's hit home now that public services and jobs are affected, and not so much the economy.

An example is my 55 year old neighbor who lives in a council home who wanted to move to a downstairs flat due her disability from an accident, and a 22 year old Lithuanian (who owns a car) who has a job in a shop was given it over her. If they can afford a car, then why are they applying for social housing and depriving citizens of a home?

So when social housing is given to people over those who are citizens and have been waiting to get on a list, you can see the dissatisfaction.
As I expected, Cameron as now backed off his promise to abide by what the people vote and immediately request the article 50 to withdraw the UK from the EU like he said he would. Instead he's said he'll resign instead and let the next prime minister do it in October.

Looking at the stock markets and the currencies, along with people's reactions, you'd think the UK had voted to declare world war 3. All we've done is say we don't want to be part of the institution that is the EU. We're still open to trading with other countries in Europe and the rest of the wirld, just like Norway is and they're not doing too badly.

We'll still be in Europe, we can't change our location in the world, all we've done is taken back our sovereignty and now Great Britain makes decisions for Great Britain, not for the benefit of others.
I was thinking why all opinion polls got it horribly wrong. The last YouGov poll put Remain ahead of Leave by 2 points. YouGov asked UK voters who just got out of polling station how they voted. The British do care about formality and civility and they may have hesitated to proclaim that they voted Leave, which would link them with the likes of Nigel Farage.

I was thinking why all opinion polls got it horribly wrong. The last YouGov poll put Remain ahead of Leave by 2 points. YouGov asked UK voters who just got out of polling station how they voted. The British do care about formality and civility and they may have hesitated to proclaim that they voted Leave, which would link them with the likes of Nigel Farage.

They were trying to influence the voting. Didn't work. BO helped make it happen by his vapid remarks.
Britain or at least England and Wales has voted to leave the EU. That 20 miles of sea separation Britain for Europe has made this possible. Whether it is to return to the old England or a vote against politicians and governments I do not know. But Britain has voted to be independent once again, Good Luck
The problem with polls is that it is only accurate with people you ask. Many people chose not to reveal their thoughts, and the statistics show most people who voted to leave were over 65 and most of them don't engage in polls online or otherwise.

If anything it made people come out to vote seeing how close it was, and it has started a domino effect. People are now admitting the EU is broken and has been and needs reform. I see that it means they must relinquish powers, but they don't want to do that either.