BO is the new Gorbachev!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice
This is an excellent column. It explains why liberalism of the D Party is DOOMED. Their coalition of baby killers, unions, g-workers, porn hustlers, greenies, stinking trial lawyers, lying media, Marxist college professors, etc...are dying and it can't happen too soon.

As Margaret Thatcher said, “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money”. “Eventually” may be now. I sure hope so.

The long terrible reign of liberalism has reached its end point. Die...Die NOW!

Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed
Like it or not, Obama is not the new FDR, but the new Gorbachev: a man forced to preside over the demise of a political system he desperately wants to save.

Democrat champions in the punditocracy confidently predict that the future of the world’s oldest political party is bright. But in fact, the coalition that is the modern Democratic Party is doomed. Every pillar upholding its heavy roof is crumbling.

The Democratic and Republican parties are structurally different.

The Democrats are a coalition, forged in the New Deal, of diverse interests that do not get along well. Imagine the deer-hunting union member sitting down with the vegetarian college professor and the lesbian lawyer and you will begin to see the trouble party leaders have holding the horde together. So far, money and government preferences have been essential. It is largely a party of unions, government workers and retirees, “green” industries, “entitlement” payees, professors, teachers and social-change activists — all of whom require government payments in one form or another. The only major element of the Democratic base that doesn’t receive government payments is the professional class (lawyers, engineers, stock brokers and so on). These high-earners amount to less than 5% of the population and are not reliable Democrat donors.