Another War!

Is that surprising with views like yours?

Not my views sunbeam they're the ones killing each other and perpetuating their banal religious struggle - would it be just way to radical to stop killing? Nah...... its easier for those in the background to exploit the dumb religious schmucks by whipping them into a permanent state of hysteria, easier to manipulate them into following the agenda.

So let them kill each other and be done with it.
They are your views

You said you would be happy for both sides to blow each other to pieces.

That kind of brutality breeds brutality.

It is the kind of asinine statement you expect from mentalists like Gipper who think gunboat dilpomacy is the only way.

Because of their own inadequacy.
Saudis give Israelis free pass to attack Iran. What happens after the attack is difficult to predict and could be very ugly...

From The Times
June 12, 2010
Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

Hugh Tomlinson

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.

To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.

“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a US defence source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State Department.”
Three days left...

"Obama won't hit Iranian reactor'
08/17/2010 18:24

Bolton claims Israel has only 3 days to strike Bushehr plant.

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said he didn't see "any signs whatsoever that President Obama would make the necessary decision" to strike Iran's nuclear reactor, speaking in an interview with Israel Radio Tuesday.

Bolton claimed Israel has only three days to strike before Russia "begins the fueling process for the Bushehr reactor this Friday," after which any attack would cause radioactive fallout that could reach as far as the waters of the Persian Gulf.
we should stay out.Ill bet ya Nancy Pelosi will file impeachment against Obama if he does get involved. The left already said no more wars. It means no more wars. What part Obama doesnt understand?
we should stay out.Ill bet ya Nancy Pelosi will file impeachment against Obama if he does get involved. The left already said no more wars. It means no more wars. What part Obama doesnt understand?

An air strike does not automatically start a war.
steve , I am pretty sure has no idea what he is talking about...but I think point he is trying to make...not that its relevant at that Obama will launch a strike...our armed forces will get in a "war" but so long as congress does not call it that, its like Nam or Korea...Police actions...but not war...

But since the real point I think was, to say, Liberals are wimps and will not attack terrorist because they are little hippies or something...Ignoring the large support from the Dems on these types of strikes against targets....

Liberals are weak on terror...while the Right talks about pulling out of Afghanistan..because Obama said to send more...had a Republican said it, they would say it was for the security of our nation and all that...its just playing politics...the facts and if the point is valid or not...not realy important
Actually if ANY of you knew anything about Iran, or human nature for that matter when its ideology differs from your own, you might understand that the rest of the Middle East dislikes Iran almost as much as they all dislike the existence of Israel.

Iran is over 90% Shia, while the rest of the Middle East, other than Iraq is predominantly Sunni. Since we all know that Islam is such a benevolent religion, and one nostril hates the other, I imagine the rest of the Middle East will descend on a weakened Iran like....
jackals? Iran does have a great deal of wealth for the taking.

Is Russia going to help? Probably, as soon as they figure out how to feed their people, as usual, because the grain crop is dust due to the fires.

Is China going to help? Do you think China doesn't want Iran's wealth? Do you think China needs or will listen to the Ayatollah? yep.

Mahmoud the monkey faced muslim is tolling the death knell for Iran with his blathering rhetoric.
Israel might attack Iran. I believe it would be a fatal mistake. After their utterly disastrous war with Hezbullah, they can ill afford another, much broader one, either economically, politically, or strategically. So they will more likely lean on their political big brother (the U.S.) to do it for them, or else just wait for the evangelical right in this country to declare it the prelude to the coming apocalypse, and demand yet another idiotic war their over-priviledged children won't have to fight and die in.
evangelical right in this country to declare it the prelude to the coming apocalypse, and demand yet another idiotic war their over-priviledged children won't have to fight and die in.

Lol. Did you have to fight in the Civil War because daddy couldn't afford the $300 do get you out of it?
Lol. Did you have to fight in the Civil War because daddy couldn't afford the $300 do get you out of it?

No, Maam. I served in the 1st cav after Vietnam, and was fortunate enough not to have to see combat because we weren't fighting anyone at the time. But had we gotten ourselves into yet another quagmire at that time, you can rest assured that I would have been there covering you're arse. And you? ;)