Al Qaida is US puppet

Leader of Al Qaeda group in Iraq was fictional, U.S. military says

By Michael R. Gordon
Published: July 18, 2007

BAGHDAD: For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi named Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi.

As the titular head of the Islamic State in Iraq, an organization publicly backed by Al Qaeda, Baghdadi issued a steady stream of incendiary pronouncements. Despite claims by Iraqi officials that he had been killed in May, Baghdadi appeared to have persevered unscathed.

On Wednesday, a senior American military spokesman provided a new explanation for Baghdadi's ability to escape attack: He never existed.
Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, the chief American military spokesman, said the elusive Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima.
"First, they say we have killed him," Riedel said, referring to the statements by some Iraqi government officials. "Then we heard him after his death and now they are saying he never existed. That suggests that our intelligence on Al Qaeda in Iraq is not what we want it to be."
Al Qaida and real resistence

Al Qaida is created by US intelligence, I mean its leaders such like Bin Laden, Al Zarcawi, Atta (911 hijacker), Moussauui, Padilla..... They play a role of false flag terrorist to meet US demand. They used to be leaders because any organization needs resource of money and weapons. Who is behind Al Qaida? Russia or China? I don't see any country in this world nowondays want to be enemy of a Super Power - US. Only US support its puppet "terrorist group". So those leaders could organize Al Qaida and activate attacks.

Hired assets

The hired tool such like Moussaoui, Bin Laden, Al Zarqawi all played a strong role to show that Al Qaida is cruel, inhuman. They aimed at common people, either its Americans or Iraqis. What they have done is to justify Bush's war policy. Any benefit to Islam? None. So Bin Laden can never been eliminated. From time to time he issued a tape when Bush needs it. A false flag that helps a lot to neocon but did nothing good to Muslim. That is Al Qaida. That's why Moussaoui cried in court, "I'm Al Qaida." Because Feds need someone to prove 911 was done by Islamic extremist not government insiders.

Real Islam resistence are treated differently.

But there are real Islamic resistence. Some ignorant Islamist joined the organization and become "suicider bomb". Some one were arrested such like Zhubadah. Those people were treated differently from the fake one. The real Islam resistence are tortured. Like Zhubadah was waterboarded. But he is not Al Qaida.

Zubaydah, the man CIA used to justify the waterboarding that he confessed in 35 seconds after waterboarding, has a story here.

Zubaydah Denies al-Qaida Link

WASHINGTON (AP) - Abu Zubaydah, accused of being a senior al-Qaida operative, says he has been a U.S enemy since childhood but isn't a member of the terrorist group or an associate of Osama bin Laden.

Zubaydah also told a military hearing in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that he had been tortured in U.S. custody and confessed to things he did not do, according to a Pentagon transcript released Monday.

Zubaydah said that from 1994 to about 2000 he was a facilitator at guest houses in Pakistan, where he helped Muslims get to Afghanistan's Khalden training camp for "defensive jihad'' - that is to fight against forces that invade Muslim lands anywhere. He then helped send the trained militants on to Bosnia, Chechnya and elsewhere, he said.

"The statement that I was an associate of Osama bin Laden is false,'' Zubaydah is quoted as saying by the transcript of his March 27 hearing. "I'm not his partner and I'm not a member of al-Qaida.''
Al Qaida works for US intelligence. From time to time they issued a tape to help their master: either in election or when there is a bill to pass.

4. Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld
Following the trail for five minutes leads to Pentagon
Steve Watson / | October 5 2006
Related: Surprise Surprise, It's Another Al Qaeda Blockbuster Release <>
Related: Atta's Father Says Video Fake, Credibility of 'Hijackers Tape' Crumbles <>
U.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged Al-Qaeda Videos <>

Following on from our three features on the latest dubious Al Qaeda video, We can reveal that further investigation into the origin of Al Qaeda video and tape release leads straight back to US military intelligence and Donald Rumsfeld.

The origin of the latest video, starring Mohammed Atta and flight 93 hijacker Ziad Jarrah, has been swept under the carpet by the mainstream media who bizarrely admit that the government has had the tape since late 2001 but still suggest it is a new release by Al Qaeda.
Interesting also is the fact that in an NBC article <>, they admit that before receiving the "exclusive US analysis" of the London Sunday Times' tape, they had filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the same tape of Atta earlier this year:
"The Sunday Times said it had obtained the video “through a previously tested channel” but gave no further details. NBC News filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the videotapes early this year, but the Pentagon has not yet turned them over. "
This is an open admission that it is the Pentagon that has released this tape and not Al Qaeda. this dovetails with our previous analysis that revealed that the footage has been seen before in a docudrama, the Road to Guantanamo, where it is shown to detainees at camp Delta as an intelligence surveillance tape.

Along with experts on Islamic terrorist groups
<> who are baffled by the video and have declared that it has come from a security agency, the very journalist who received the tape also says the source was not Al Qaeda. <>

It is also interesting that this journalist, Yousri Fouda is not only a Sunday Times journalist but also the London Bureau Chief of Al Jazeera. He is the guy who normally breaks all the Al Qaeda tapes anyway, so really the London Times connection is just a smokescreen.
All evidence indicates that the tapes are provided to Fouda and Al Jazeera by As Sahab, the "production company" of Al Qaeda, via a group known as Intelcenter , who also SELL the videos online.

Intelcenter normally have the tapes available for sale as soon as they are released, indeed in the past they have even predicted when they are going to get a tape before it is released <>, as they did with the second London bomber tape on the anniversary of 7/7.

Intel center is run by Ben Venzke, who is an interesting character. A google search <> results in the revelation that he used to be the director of intelligence at a company called IDEFENSE which is a verisign company.

IDEFENSE is a web security company that monitors intelligence from the middle east conflicts and focuses on cyber threats among other things.

It is also heavily populated with long serving ex military intelligence officials.
The Director of Threat intelligence, Jim Melnick, served 16 years in the US army and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and worked in psychological operations. From the IDEFENSE website:

Prior to joining iDefense, Mr. Melnick served with distinction for more than 16 years in the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. During this period, Mr. Melnick served in a variety of roles, including psychological operations, international warning issues with emphasis on foreign affairs and information operations and Russian affairs. He also served in active political/military intelligence roles with an emphasis on foreign affairs. Mr. Melnick is currently a U.S. Army Reserve Colonel with Military Intelligence, assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Melnick has been published in numerous military and foreign affairs journals, and has received numerous military and DIA awards. Mr. Melnick has a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College, a Master of Arts in Russian studies from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Political Science from Westminster College.

So here we have a company that by it's own admission has a senior military psy-op intelligence officer who has worked directly for Donald Rumsfeld. As Intelcenter and Ben Venzke are directly connected to IDEFENSE, this puts Rumsfeld 3 small steps away from the Al Qaeda propaganda videos.
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

'In the BBC’s killer documentary called The Power of Nightmares, top CIA officials openly admit, Al-Qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundred’s of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Governments story of Al-qaeda a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after.'

Watch video here:
April 19, 2008

It’s interesting to note that, at long last, the mainstream media is hinting that the words ‘al Qaeda’ has simplistically become a metaphor for those that are fighting the US in Iraq and elsewhere and that ‘al Qaeda’ is not, as they have pushed for years, a specific organisation that is led and organised by the equally metaphoric and very dead ‘Osama bin Laden’.
If you want a real laugh go and look at the 'videos' Osama has made of himself sending messages to the west over the last few years (very conveniently when an elction is about to happen or some more civil liberties need rescinding).

Watch them back to back and look at how different the actor playing OBL is in each film. It is hilarious.

Oh and a note to the CIA. OBL is worth hundreds of millions. If you want to make a realistic video use some decent technology like he would, rather than some ancient cam corder intended to make the film look 'real'.
So, Al Qaida is made up by the US. Is that the correct meaning of this thread?

You really believe that OBL is working for the US?

You must also believe that the US was behind the attacks on 9/11. If so, why would the US do this?
All I am saying is that the videos are fakes.

And that they appear at very convenient moments (for the US)

9/11 was also very convenient for the US Government.

But they wouldn't lie about this would they?

No, the Bush administration was full of upright moral christians.

And I am the pope.
All I am saying is that the videos are fakes.

And that they appear at very convenient moments (for the US)

9/11 was also very convenient for the US Government.

But they wouldn't lie about this would they?

No, the Bush administration was full of upright moral christians.

And I am the pope.

I hate 9-11 conspiracy nuts, and I really don't have the time to go over them all again with every one of you with same baseless noise. Much like a Birther, any evidence you will just question it say its fake, and or ignore it, or find some other thing to latch onto as your "proof"
I hate 9-11 conspiracy nuts, and I really don't have the time to go over them all again with every one of you with same baseless noise. Much like a Birther, any evidence you will just question it say its fake, and or ignore it, or find some other thing to latch onto as your "proof"

I'm glad to see there are some things we can agree on Pockets.

Rationalist: The sheer number of citizens who'd have to be involved in pulling off a fake 9/11 attack would be incredible. Who makes up our government? Most are just folks like everyone else doing a job. If you think your neighbors capable of such a large scale deception, how can you continue to support democracy?
I'm glad to see there are some things we can agree on Pockets.

Rationalist: The sheer number of citizens who'd have to be involved in pulling off a fake 9/11 attack would be incredible. Who makes up our government? Most are just folks like everyone else doing a job. If you think your neighbors capable of such a large scale deception, how can you continue to support democracy?

I will try not to make it a habit !
Helictor, Governments have executed false flag activities throughout history to get the electorate on side. Look at the lies you were told to justify attacking Iraq.

Al Qaeda could not have done the twin towers. They could not have flown thye planes like that and they could not have got the US to stand down all the fighter planes.
that should have shot the airliner down especially the second one.

And tower 7 fell down without being hit by a plane at all.

And no steel framed building in the world outside of 9/11 has ever collapsed due to fire and there have been around 50 such fires.
I'm glad to see there are some things we can agree on Pockets.

Rationalist: The sheer number of citizens who'd have to be involved in pulling off a fake 9/11 attack would be incredible. Who makes up our government? Most are just folks like everyone else doing a job. If you think your neighbors capable of such a large scale deception, how can you continue to support democracy?

So long as an organised government exists, there can be no democracy. This is a republic, or rule of law. Law barely ever serves the people's interests. I see representatives, elected by delegates, running this country. Some democracy...
Helictor, Governments have executed false flag activities throughout history to get the electorate on side. Look at the lies you were told to justify attacking Iraq.

Al Qaeda could not have done the twin towers. They could not have flown thye planes like that and they could not have got the US to stand down all the fighter planes.
that should have shot the airliner down especially the second one.

And tower 7 fell down without being hit by a plane at all.

And no steel framed building in the world outside of 9/11 has ever collapsed due to fire and there have been around 50 such fires.

evrything you just said, has been refuted time and time again.

I am not going to do it again.

I am 100% sure you would not listen