Al Qaida is US puppet

Who supplies human resource to Al Qaida?

None of the so said "19 hijackers" were from evil axis. They were all from US allies. Because only a friendly country will help US to frame a case, to cover up a forgery story and create misinformation.

Quote, "Hijackers in the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free ...
Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.,_2001_attacks

Yet Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Is that ridiculous?
Here is a news to prove my previous comment. This is how US recruit and train prisoner to their false flag operators. How can a released Guantanamo detainee so quickly becoming the Taliban military leader in charge of operations against U.S. and Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan? Because he has the resource of money and weapons which supplied by Pentagon. His recruit history is similar to Padilla. He will play the similar role Bin Laden once did. He may also be sacrificed like Zharcarwi when Pentagon thinks it's necessary. Anyway, Pentagon said as many as 61 former Guantanamo detainees are believed to have returned to the fight. Quantanamo College really trained a lot of false flag operators. Pentagon need not worry of the shortage of such supply.

Officials: New Taliban chief was once at Gitmo
Operation officer was released to the Afghan government in 2007
updated 5:20 p.m. PT, Tues., March. 10, 2009

Taliban's new operations officer in southern Afghanistan had been a prisoner at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, the latest example of a freed detainee who took a militant leadership role and a potential complication for the Obama administration's efforts to close the prison.

U.S. authorities handed over the detainee to the Afghan government, which in turn released him, according to Pentagon and CIA officials.

Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, formerly Guantanamo prisoner No. 008, was among 13 Afghan prisoners released to the Afghan government in December 2007. Rasoul is now known as Mullah Abdullah Zakir, a nom de guerre that Pentagon and intelligence officials say is used by a Taliban leader who is in charge of operations against U.S. and Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan.
Here is a news to prove my previous comment. This is how US recruit and train prisoner to their false flag operators. How can a released Guantanamo detainee so quickly becoming the Taliban military leader in charge of operations against U.S. and Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan? Because he has the resource of money and weapons which supplied by Pentagon. His recruit history is similar to Padilla. He will play the similar role Bin Laden once did. He may also be sacrificed like Zharcarwi when Pentagon thinks it's necessary. Anyway, Pentagon said as many as 61 former Guantanamo detainees are believed to have returned to the fight. Quantanamo College really trained a lot of false flag operators. Pentagon need not worry of the shortage of such supply.

Officials: New Taliban chief was once at Gitmo
Operation officer was released to the Afghan government in 2007
updated 5:20 p.m. PT, Tues., March. 10, 2009

Taliban's new operations officer in southern Afghanistan had been a prisoner at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, the latest example of a freed detainee who took a militant leadership role and a potential complication for the Obama administration's efforts to close the prison.

U.S. authorities handed over the detainee to the Afghan government, which in turn released him, according to Pentagon and CIA officials.

Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, formerly Guantanamo prisoner No. 008, was among 13 Afghan prisoners released to the Afghan government in December 2007. Rasoul is now known as Mullah Abdullah Zakir, a nom de guerre that Pentagon and intelligence officials say is used by a Taliban leader who is in charge of operations against U.S. and Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan.

I dont want to read all you wrote, I would like to know though if you think that Al Qaida is a US puppet, do you feel that now P Obama is the one pulling the strings? or do you think Former President Bush is pulling them from Texas?
"I dont want to read all you wrote, I would like to know though if you think that Al Qaida is a US puppet, do you feel that now P Obama is the one pulling the strings? or do you think Former President Bush is pulling them from Texas? "

Doesn't matter, the cabal that is pulling the strings for the PUPPET government headed up by Obama is probably the same entity that is pulling a LOT of other strings world wide. & I don't care if you call it the Military Industrial Complex or The Builderburger group(sp?) or whatever,
a sick & twisted plot to take over the world by anyother name would still stink!

the emperor is NAKED!

All presidents since at least LBJ, have been puppets of the "NEW WORLD ORDER" or whatever it really is (military industrial complex ... or?)
I dont want to read all you wrote, I would like to know though if you think that Al Qaida is a US puppet, do you feel that now P Obama is the one pulling the strings? or do you think Former President Bush is pulling them from Texas?

One thing you must understand that the people who pulling the strings is hiding behind the curtain. You can call it government insiders, intelligence or military industry complexity. Politicians are only puppets, so are terrorists. One plays positive role and one plays negative. Without two oppisite paries, there will be no opera. President Kennedy was disobedient, so he was assassinated. Bush is obedient, so even he was so notorious, he got a second term. But none of them are the string puller. Neither Obama.

582. Robert Gates' career prolonged for Iran war (1/15/09)

Petro dollar benefits US economy a lot. When Iran abandons dollar as oil trading currency, it shakes dollar foundation significantly. To stabilize the dollar position, the war on Iran is inevitable. The latest attempt to war on Iran was failed in August 2008. Next month, in September, a financial crisis is created to save the dollar. The financial crisis push people to change the investment into cash - the dollar, and drives the dollar into a balloon - US bond. The Inside Group will keep that balloon for months, no longer than a year. They will keep that balloon until the Iran war break out.

The reason I said so is out of a decision made by the President elect - Obama. He decides to let Bush's Defense Secretary - Robert Gates to stay in chair for one more year. It means the Inside group still wants to finish Iran war within a year. They maintain that dollar balloon from popping until the war comes.

Robert Gates is a well selected neo-con follower. He is no other than Rumsfeld, Bush and Ashcroft. He has been chosen to command the soured Iran war of 2008 August. No one is more familiar with that war project then him. No one will work better than him with that military official group inside Pentagon which developed the Iran war project. It was an urgent war. If Bush can't stay in President seat, Gates will be the right person to stay for the war.

Barak Obama won the president election by his slogan "change". One important reason he won the campaign is because he said he opposes Iraq war. But when it touches the interest of the Inside Group, he has to obey. In an area where needs an utter "change", he reacts with "un change". He says he opposes Iraq war, because the bird is held in hand already. It doesn't cost anything but a lip service. But when his master gave an order, he will hug another war.

Politicians are picked up from the followers of the Inside Group. High ranking politicians have been all screened tier upon tier. They are all the same even though they pretend to be different by sticking a different sign of donkey or elephant. When people are tired of a white wolf, they gave you a black one. But on the core it's the same. Wolf won't change its habit to eat lamb.

There is a Chinese fable: Three for breakfast and four for super. It says a monkey keeper gave his monkey four nuts in breakfast and three for supper. Monkey felt hungry and protested. The keeper thought for a while than pretended compromise. He said, "OK, you win, I will give you three nuts in morning and four in the evening." Monkey thought it won because the keeper changed three into four for supper. So when Obama gives you four nuts for supper but three in the morning, do you think there is a change?
Sudan is secret partner of U.S.

Khartoum supplies information to the CIA on insurgents in Iraq
By Greg Miller and Josh Meyer
Originally published June 11, 2007

Washington // Sudan has secretly worked with the CIA to spy on the insurgency in Iraq - an example of how the United States has continued to cooperate with the Sudanese regime even while condemning its role in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur
The relationship underscores the complex realities of the post-Sept. 11 world, in which the United States has relied heavily on intelligence and military cooperation from countries, including Sudan and Uzbekistan, that are considered pariah states for their records on human rights.

Sudan has become increasingly valuable to the United States since the Sept. 11 attacks because the Sunni Arab nation is a crossroads for Islamic militants making their way to Iraq and Pakistan.

That steady flow of foreign fighters has provided cover for Sudan's Mukhabarat intelligence service to insert spies into Iraq, officials said.

"If you've got jihadists traveling via Sudan to get into Iraq, there's a pattern there in and of itself that would not raise suspicion," said a former high-ranking CIA official familiar with Sudan's cooperation with the agency. "It creates an opportunity to send Sudanese into that pipeline."

Supported by Pentagon. When they fought for US interest in Bosnia, they were called Islamic resistence, when they attacked in false flag operation, (such like 911) then they were called Al Qaida.

In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel's case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel's character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system "got him" for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of "Al Qaeda." We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.
yes its a puppet, becuse we know realy there are no muslim extreamist that would want to kill americans...

retarded...of course they are in Iraq...where the hell else would they go if they wanted to kill US troops in large nombers?

Also why are they in chechnia and killing russians , in the middle east killing moderates, attacking Inida....

also news flash, we never needed al quida to attack Iraq...if we where going to lie about there connections, then why do we actuly need them? and we never needed them in the first place, there was that saddam guy...
I really don't know what it will take, but the public world wide needs to wake up to the FACT that the consolidation of corporate power (mergers, buy-outs, etc....) is NOT healthy for this planet.

You really can't trust what the corporate controlled media broadcasts these days.

A! Bust the "emperor" for Indecent Exposure!
After Soviet bloc collapsed in 1992, US intelligence turned its resource once used against Soviet Union on to the Islamic bloc because of its oil tresure. A large quantity of informants converted into Islam to infiltrate the Muslim group. Padilla is one of such story. He was recruited in prison and infiltrated to the Muslim world in 92. Seven years ago, he almost became a dirty bomb witness to justify the Iraq war.

This one becomes an Al Qaida spokesman. Along with Bin Laden, the Al Qaida is under the leadship of US intelligence.

Al-Qaeda’ spokesman Adam Gadahn (a.k.a. Pearlman) is scion of Jewish ADL

Tuesday, June 16 2009 @ 03:26 PM BST

Even the (Jewish-run) mainstream media now admits that ‘Adam Ghadan’ -- an ‘Al-Qaeda’ spokesman known for making absurd calls-to-arms against ‘infidels’ and ‘Zio-Crusaders’ -- is, in fact, the grandson of a prominent board member of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League:

Haaretz: ‘Gadahn's grandfather was well-known urologist Carl Pearlman, an active member of the Jewish community in Orange County California.’

American Al-Qaeda member Adam Gadahn tells of Jewish roots in video
The Los Angeles Times
June 14, 2009

Adam Gadahn, a Southern California-raised man self-described as American Al-Qaeda has released a new video in which he talks about his Jewish ancestry.

Gadahn, known as "Azzam the American", lived in Garden Grove in the 1990s after growing up on a goat farm in rural Riverside County. The FBI said he converted to Islam as a youth, left the United States around 1998 and later was associated with senior Al Qaeda lieutenant Abu Zubaida in Pakistan and attended training camps in Afghanistan.
Who supplies human resource to Al Qaida?

None of the so said "19 hijackers" were from evil axis. They were all from US allies. Because only a friendly country will help US to frame a case, to cover up a forgery story and create misinformation.

Quote, "Hijackers in the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free ...
Fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.,_2001_attacks

Yet Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Is that ridiculous?

*ROTFLMAO @ the libtarded conspiracy theories*