advertising on HOP


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Isn't there some rule about ads masquerading as threads on this forum? If there isn't, there should be. There is a thread about car loans, and one hawking Viagra substitutes currently.
There is a rule against it and as soon as moderators see them, we delete them but unfortunately it is impossible for the mods to be on patrol 24 hours a day.
I've been deleting threads like mad for the last week and a half; we've brought the issue to Admin and he said he's going to do something about it.

For now, if anyone out there sees a spam thread that's more than about 12-24 hours old, PM a mod and we'll deal with it. Anything under 12 hours just leave it alone and we'll probably get to it. There's been a lot of spam coming in and while we want to get all of it, it wouldn't help for us to be getting tons of PMs pointing out spam threads. Just point out the ones we miss.

Hopefully this problem will be dealt with soon and none of us will have to worry about it anymore.
Just to follow up -- Admin said he's going to take care of the problem so hopefully we won't be seeing this stuff much longer.