2012 poll tracker

Well, the partisans on both sides are saying that their team is going to win, even when the polls say it's a tossup. It's a lot like football fans telling the world that their team will win, when deep down they know that there's a good chance that they won't. Then, when their team loses, it's never because the other team was better. Instead, it's home team advantage, the refs were biased, someone had a bad day, whatever. In politics, it's the same: Regardless of who wins, the other team, I mean the real fans and cheerleaders, not the parties at large, will scream voter fraud, will say the voters were mislead, the refs (media) were biased, or it was the hurricane or something else that gave the other guys the home team advantage. It's comical, really. If your guy wins, it's because he got more electoral votes. If he loses, it's because he didn't get as many.

Thank you for your lesson. . .but it was unnecessary! In fact, as I said before, NO ONE can say who will win on Tuesday. . . my point WAS that the extreme right Ass holes in this forum have been "predicting" a landslide for Romney since "the whole world" hates Obama and he is "such a loser!"

And I am just pointing out that the REAL world is right at their doors. . .and showing them that their 4 years struggle to make "Obama fail" has FAILED, as even at the eve of the elections. . . there is still just as many people who will vote for Obama than those who will vote for Romney. . . or rather those who will vote AGAINST Obama.

Because no person in his/her right mind would vote for Romney, as NO ONE knows what they would be voting for! His "opinions" are for sale, and he feels perfectly comfortable changing them to suit his purpose of the moment.

He is a man who has no integrity and no backbone, and the only sure thing is that we will NOT have a President who will fulfill the dreams of the extreme Right, but rather a President who is either SLIGHTLY Left of the center, or SLIGHTLY Right of the center for the next 4 years.

I have NO illusions. . . .I NEVER said that Obama would without a doubt win.

I always said it would be a close call. . .but I didn't know that, no matter who wins, we would have a CENTER administration!

So, although I still prefer for Obama to win (at least he is honest and stands for something. . .the middle class) I feel I would win by having a NO BODY, with NO BACK BONE for President, because ROMNEY WOULD NEVER fulfill the wishes of the extreme Right!

Your singing the same song we hear from Liberals every election... "you thought you were gonna win, but you have severe case of cognitive dissonance.

I have not read one post on this forum that thinks Romney was a sure winner. In fact, most non- Democrats have had big questions about Romney, and I never heard that someone say he was a sure thing.

Well, I guess you haven't been here that long during THIS election cycle!

In fact, I don't think we have ever met!

Nice to meet you. . .you seem a little more reasonable and realistic than most people here. That's a positive improvement!

And I am the designated person to hate. . . because I don't adopt a "MIND SET" and I tend to back up my opinions with facts.

So. . .I just drop in once in awhile, have a good laugh, and leave again.

Tata! It was nice to see that at least one person wasn't totally lost in delusions!
Looking at the record, Obama has failed - unless you like ObamaCare

OBVIOUSLY I like Obama Care. . .not that I wouldn't have liked a public option even better, but the ridiculous Right took care of that!

You mean, you don't like the fact that kids (and soon everyone) with pre-existing conditions no longer can be refused insurance?
And you don't like that young adults can stay on their parents' insurance until the age of 26?
And you don't like the free mammogram and colonoscopy paid by insurances?
And you don't like the free preventive care visit once a year?
And you don't like that private insurances are no longer able to kick you off for having reached your "lifetime ceiling of reimbursement?"

And, if you or one you love is over 65, you don't like that the "donut hole" is shrinking and will disappear all together?

Oh well. .I guess you don't.

Is it because your medical insurance rate NEVER went up before ObamaCare?

Well. . .I would understand that. . .if that is the case, could you provide the name of your insurance so we could all benefit from rates that haven't gone up EVERY YEAR in the last 10 years at least?
Did you pay the last time you had an annual check up?

If yes, your insurance is taking you for a ride.

I pay for my insurance and rarely go to the doctor, the excess of what I don't use goes into the pot for others. I also pay taxes towards Medicare and Medicade that others "get free". There is no such thing as "free" healthcare. Not in the past or in the future. But one thing you can be sure of, we will pay a hell of a lot more for rationed care, because government is over bloated and invites fraud.
Thank you for your lesson. . .but it was unnecessary! In fact, as I said before, NO ONE can say who will win on Tuesday. . . my point WAS that the extreme right Ass holes in this forum have been "predicting" a landslide for Romney since "the whole world" hates Obama and he is "such a loser!"

And I am just pointing out that the REAL world is right at their doors. . .and showing them that their 4 years struggle to make "Obama fail" has FAILED, as even at the eve of the elections. . . there is still just as many people who will vote for Obama than those who will vote for Romney. . . or rather those who will vote AGAINST Obama.

Because no person in his/her right mind would vote for Romney, as NO ONE knows what they would be voting for! His "opinions" are for sale, and he feels perfectly comfortable changing them to suit his purpose of the moment.

He is a man who has no integrity and no backbone, and the only sure thing is that we will NOT have a President who will fulfill the dreams of the extreme Right, but rather a President who is either SLIGHTLY Left of the center, or SLIGHTLY Right of the center for the next 4 years.

I have NO illusions. . . .I NEVER said that Obama would without a doubt win.

I always said it would be a close call. . .but I didn't know that, no matter who wins, we would have a CENTER administration!

So, although I still prefer for Obama to win (at least he is honest and stands for something. . .the middle class) I feel I would win by having a NO BODY, with NO BACK BONE for President, because ROMNEY WOULD NEVER fulfill the wishes of the extreme Right!


Well, then, you aren't the one who needed the lesson, which isn't to say it wasn't needed.

As for Romney, I think you have mischaracterized him. Yes, he did try to come across as a right winger during the primary, which is what he had to do in order to get the nomination. Now, he's coming across as much more moderate, which, I think, those of us who have been watching have known him to be all along. And no, he isn't going to fulfill the wishes of the extreme right, except perhaps the wish to see Obama out of the White House.

Romney is a man of integrity, a man who has ideals he lives by. He could have simply laid back and lived the good life, but no, he worked, he gave his inheritance away, he gives more to charity than he has to pay in taxes. He's a family man, not just someone who talks about family values. He has business experience, and a history of bringing financially failing institutions back to the black. He has a history of being able to work with the opposing party. If he is elected, I don't expect miracles, and if he isn't, I don't expect the country to go in the crapper like so many right wingers do. I do think more of the nation's problems will be addressed under his leadership than under that of Obama.

But, I could be wrong. If he gets elected, we'll know in a couple more years.
Well, then, you aren't the one who needed the lesson, which isn't to say it wasn't needed.

As for Romney, I think you have mischaracterized him. Yes, he did try to come across as a right winger during the primary, which is what he had to do in order to get the nomination. Now, he's coming across as much more moderate, which, I think, those of us who have been watching have known him to be all along. And no, he isn't going to fulfill the wishes of the extreme right, except perhaps the wish to see Obama out of the White House.

Romney is a man of integrity, a man who has ideals he lives by. He could have simply laid back and lived the good life, but no, he worked, he gave his inheritance away, he gives more to charity than he has to pay in taxes. He's a family man, not just someone who talks about family values. He has business experience, and a history of bringing financially failing institutions back to the black. He has a history of being able to work with the opposing party. If he is elected, I don't expect miracles, and if he isn't, I don't expect the country to go in the crapper like so many right wingers do. I do think more of the nation's problems will be addressed under his leadership than under that of Obama.

But, I could be wrong. If he gets elected, we'll know in a couple more years.

But have you not heard that Romney is the devil incarnate? I heard that on MSLSD....so it must be true.:confused::confused::confused:

On a serious note, I don't think it matters who wins. Either way it goes America is headed down the crapper....just a lot sooner under Big Ears.

The socialist police state is not sustainable and with an ever increasing number of Americans addicted to it, the end is inevitable....in my opinion.
But have you not heard that Romney is the devil incarnate? I heard that on MSLSD....so it must be true.:confused::confused::confused:

On a serious note, I don't think it matters who wins. Either way it goes America is headed down the crapper....just a lot sooner under Big Ears.

The socialist police state is not sustainable and with an ever increasing number of Americans addicted to it, the end is inevitable....in my opinion.
I'd really like to think you're wrong. Maybe Romney can get Congress to start working on the nation's problems again. Maybe the populace will wake up to the loss of freedom in the name of security. Perhaps they'll start getting that trillion dollar welfare cost under control.

I'd really like to think you're wrong. Maybe Romney can get Congress to start working on the nation's problems again. Maybe the populace will wake up to the loss of freedom in the name of security. Perhaps they'll start getting that trillion dollar welfare cost under control.


i think Romney does know how to gin up public dentiment to force Reid to do his job. Obama didnt want to and so it nevrr happened.
I'd really like to think you're wrong. Maybe Romney can get Congress to start working on the nation's problems again. Maybe the populace will wake up to the loss of freedom in the name of security. Perhaps they'll start getting that trillion dollar welfare cost under control.


You are a dreamer.

I agree that Romney will improve the economy....can't get much worse than what BO has done. But in the end, its all coming down one way or another. The status quo of crony capitalism with lots of socialism will continue, because our political class and the elites like the status quo... Huge deficits will continue, the Fed will keep on printing and buying government debt, and Wall Street and DC will keep on enriching themselves at the expense of the rest of us.
You are a dreamer.

I agree that Romney will improve the economy....can't get much worse than what BO has done. But in the end, its all coming down one way or another. The status quo of crony capitalism with lots of socialism will continue, because our political class and the elites like the status quo... Huge deficits will continue, the Fed will keep on printing and buying government debt, and Wall Street and DC will keep on enriching themselves at the expense of the rest of us.
Well try to think of it like this

Think of hand out at tax payer expense like heroin and those who collect the handouts as addicts. You cant just kick them off the heroin and think it will be ok, its a gradual transition to get them to be self dependent.

So its probably a good thing that Romney doesn't plan to do it all in one month, year or even term... Slow is the process to re learn or in many cases learn for the first time to be self sufficient.
Well try to think of it like this

Think of hand out at tax payer expense like heroin and those who collect the handouts as addicts. You cant just kick them off the heroin and think it will be ok, its a gradual transition to get them to be self dependent.

So its probably a good thing that Romney doesn't plan to do it all in one month, year or even term... Slow is the process to re learn or in many cases learn for the first time to be self sufficient.

I can agree with that. The problem is I don't think Romney will wean America off socialism or crony capitalism. I hope I am wrong.

I suspect he will continue to run huge deficits, continue America's wrongheaded interventionist policies leading to more war, allow Wall Street; big banks; and big biz to continue their thieving ways, and the Fed will keep on printing and buying gov debt. But the elephant in the room is America's demographics. The huge baby boom generation is mostly insolvent and will demand government take care of them. The cost will overwhelm the system.

And should BO win tomorrow...we all know we will soon be Greece.